Page 1 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Emelia Abate 765 34:14 11:01 34:25 Julie Abate 5025 35:37 11:28 35:50 Reema Abdulkerim 266 41:18 13:18 42:53 Abeer Abdullah 4784 59:22 19:07 1:03:02 Donn Abellard 4661 44:44 14:24 45:34 Walkiris Abreu 4718 47:19 15:14 50:09 Genoveva Abreu Sanchez 5430 50:04 16:07 51:00 Alyssa Abruzzese 4898 35:47 11:31 37:32 Nayelis Acevedo 1111 56:40 18:15 59:07 Christina Acevedo-Landry 4800 58:50 18:57 1:03:05 Kamel Achour 4612 35:49 11:32 35:52 Naima Achour 1195 35:48 11:32 35:50 Elma Achtam 5034 39:15 12:38 39:25 Tayri Achtam 866 39:15 12:38 39:25 Kaliyah Acosta 439 44:56 14:28 45:12 Kimberly Acosta 1112 55:31 17:53 59:20 Samahria Acosta 21 59:32 19:10 1:02:05 Sylvie Adams 1735 52:21 16:51 55:16 Cristina Adorno 4779 51:18 16:31 52:14 Ruhi Agarwal 386 49:03 15:48 50:59 Argentina Aguilar 5210 42:25 13:39 44:42 Melanie Aguilar 306 50:41 16:19 52:02 Vanessa Aguilar 1605 53:51 17:20 55:12 Yulissa Aguilar Chacon 725 56:12 18:06 56:53 Yuraimy Aguilon 36 46:41 15:02 49:54 Dionna Agyei 172 48:38 15:39 53:38 Louisa Agyemang 4997 54:44 17:37 1:00:02 Arshad Ahmed 4967 37:12 11:59 40:09 Noha Ahmed 4796 46:52 15:05 50:10 Salma Ahmed 1243 46:52 15:06 50:11 Zayla Ahmed 798 37:12 11:59 40:10 Eliko Akahori 5010 34:17 11:02 34:38 Akinyoyin Akindele 222 56:35 18:13 1:02:28 Salma Alai 519 46:22 14:56 50:51 Souad Alai 1660 46:23 14:56 50:51 Angely Alba-Burgos 4719 48:36 15:39 51:27 Jeannette Albee 4512 39:00 12:34 40:17 Cecelia Albert 612 49:59 16:06 50:50 Jordi Albo Canals 4788 27:57 9:00 28:08 Carla Albo Sans 706 27:56 9:00 28:08 Donald Albro 5351 40:58 13:11 44:48 Mattea Albro 280 40:55 13:11 44:46 Iva Alcantara 494 42:33 13:42 45:46 Hasmeli Alcantara Aguero 416 58:17 18:46 1:02:07 Tiffany Alcocer 520 50:39 16:19 54:55 M A Almalilian Alegr A C 1244 41:44 13:26 46:16 Jonathan Alegria 4855 41:45 13:27 46:16 Amara Aleman 4821 41:38 13:24 42:14 Zuleida Aleman-Herba 4822 43:43 14:05 44:17 Jahiann Alexis 1245 45:37 14:41 49:41 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 2 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Carlos Alfredo 5415 48:20 15:34 49:05 Ana Alfredo Estrella 324 49:26 15:55 50:12 Yaira Alfredo Estrella 325 48:20 15:34 49:04 Samiyah Ali 153 43:36 14:02 48:19 Keena Allen 5356 48:51 15:44 52:41 Skyler Allen 281 48:52 15:44 52:41 Vennie Allen 1387 49:59 16:06 54:26 Xylah Allen 1311 48:03 15:28 54:24 Dayana Almeida 5802 35:34 11:27 36:07 Jacqueline Almeida 4984 39:58 12:52 40:04 Selena Almeida 326 43:45 14:05 43:51 Sofia Almeida Magalhaes 726 35:34 11:27 36:06 Victoria Alonso-Toro 1029 35:36 11:28 35:44 Julia Alpert 1046 52:29 16:54 56:01 Sam Alpert 5720 52:40 16:57 56:12 Diane Amadeo 1878 32:31 10:28 37:24 Shanell Amancio 257 46:18 14:54 52:23 Celeste Amarante 1176 47:02 15:08 52:02 Jaleesa Amarante 1177 47:06 15:10 52:06 Armando Amor 5644 41:58 13:31 43:41 Brigitte An 9 31:27 10:08 31:58 Christina An 1521 31:26 10:07 31:58 Claudia Andelman 4598 36:27 11:44 37:55 Molly Andelman 1002 36:22 11:43 37:51 Erik Anderson 5280 41:29 13:22 44:52 Grace Anderson 799 41:12 13:16 44:35 Heather Anderson 1754 38:40 12:27 39:09 Kristy Anderson 1678 37:04 11:56 40:03 Abdielis Andino 495 54:33 17:34 58:31 Galieris Andino 5022 54:42 17:37 58:39 Dalla Andino Rodriguez 4533 55:28 17:52 59:27 Emilly Andrade 895 40:18 12:59 46:10 Jesus Andrades 5715 40:13 12:57 42:50 Leeannie Andrades 985 44:56 14:28 47:31 Penelope Andrades 986 40:14 12:57 42:48 Chris Andrews 5204 35:34 11:27 36:50 Riley Andrews 816 35:33 11:27 36:49 Ava Andzie-Quainoo 1475 28:02 9:02 33:06 Mia Angeles Licona 307 59:22 19:07 1:01:09 Jonalys Nayomi Angulo An 327 57:47 18:36 59:27 Beth Annese 1564 37:23 12:02 37:33 Samantha Anthony 10 31:27 10:08 32:00 Jesus Anziani 5816 42:01 13:32 52:27 Greta Appleton 5249 1:03:50 20:33 1:09:50 Lesly Aquino 4998 51:10 16:29 55:14 Alice Ara Jo 897 56:01 18:02 1:01:54 Laura Arana 5098 49:09 15:49 49:31 Sofia Araujo 896 38:16 12:19 44:04 James Arce 5716 44:55 14:28 47:31 Erica Archabal 5811 49:22 15:54 52:08 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 3 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Maisy Archabal 613 49:22 15:54 52:08 Matilda Arey 223 56:35 18:13 1:02:28 Ailyse Arias 417 51:05 16:27 53:31 Lila Arias 496 45:09 14:32 48:21 Luis Arias 4849 45:09 14:32 48:21 Jean Arkedis 5710 36:04 11:37 37:51 Savannah Armstrong 1639 46:34 15:00 46:49 Cristina Arotoma 5247 40:31 13:03 40:49 Ilyanna Arroyo 497 52:30 16:54 56:50 Joelianys Arroyo 987 45:37 14:41 47:39 Ellie Arteaga 879 36:29 11:45 37:54 Colten Artist 4936 40:36 13:04 41:23 Elikem Asase 190 39:32 12:44 44:33 Noa Ash 928 31:32 10:09 33:19 Krystina Athas 5348 25:33 8:14 25:52 Aaliyah Auguste 126 40:26 13:01 42:48 Sydney Austin 1777 35:14 11:21 36:31 Emilia Aviles 100 43:39 14:03 46:08 Marialys Aviles 1366 30:16 9:45 30:16 Edwin Ayala 5154 44:34 14:21 48:08 Isabella Ayala Velasquez 1246 44:34 14:21 48:08 Ashanty Aybar Lara 418 43:32 14:01 46:07 Esther Ayeni 1162 1:13:08 23:33 1:13:08 Ramatoulaye Ba 673 44:47 14:25 45:43 Genevieve Babatov 575 32:06 10:20 32:30 Murad Babatov 4735 32:08 10:21 32:30 Alaniss Baez 498 38:01 12:15 43:48 Hailey Baez Soto 224 46:35 15:00 51:00 Abnowel Baiden 1163 47:22 15:15 52:40 Lucy Baiden 4639 50:22 16:13 55:41 Annemarje Baker 4772 31:23 10:06 31:24 Eleanor Baker 1131 34:59 11:16 35:13 Reese Baker 1196 31:21 10:06 31:23 Ryan Baker 766 27:24 8:50 28:32 Gil Bakman 450 30:46 9:54 33:07 Vadik Bakman 4973 30:44 9:54 33:07 Connie Baldanza 1388 45:06 14:31 49:23 Francie Baldanza 1389 43:52 14:07 48:10 Alexa Ballesteros 1421 39:20 12:40 45:45 Camila Ballesteros 1422 39:20 12:40 45:45 Luis Ballesteros 5299 39:21 12:40 45:46 Madeline Balman 1580 40:25 13:01 42:02 Omari Banner 5702 30:19 9:46 30:25 Shelly Bansal 5213 54:46 17:38 1:00:10 Knyla Baphste 22 37:34 12:06 40:11 Sri Baqri 4605 43:28 14:00 45:57 Zohra Baqri 1003 43:28 14:00 45:57 Diondra Barker 5083 41:50 13:28 43:25 Jovell Barker 5084 41:49 13:28 43:25 Omaia Barker 767 41:46 13:27 43:22 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 4 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Nora Baron 1345 51:58 16:44 57:38 Molly Barone 1856 44:19 14:16 51:03 Amanda Baronowsky 5189 30:53 9:57 36:56 Emily Barr 1581 40:25 13:01 42:02 Bill Barrar 5616 30:02 9:40 35:48 Gwendolen Barrar 258 30:01 9:40 35:47 Alyssa Barras 5053 32:45 10:33 33:13 Caitlin Barrett 1798 1:20:49 26:01 1:20:49 Cayla Barretto 1628 48:42 15:41 50:58 Natalie Barros 369 43:02 13:51 44:00 Bella Barry 1 49:41 16:00 55:57 Scott Barry 4608 39:54 12:51 43:44 Sophia Barry 64 39:54 12:51 43:45 Arielle Bartholomew 127 50:18 16:12 52:43 Stephanie Basora 1640 47:03 15:09 47:16 Mia Bass-Egmont 102 42:18 13:37 46:17 Ainsleigh Bassett 283 48:51 15:44 52:41 Juilanna Batista 553 41:45 13:27 45:13 Maria Batista 4816 57:16 18:26 1:00:48 Arianne Batson 155 51:23 16:33 56:30 Shana Batson 4564 51:44 16:40 56:54 Shawn Batson 4565 51:24 16:33 56:32 Paul Batten 4947 29:15 9:25 29:25 Penelope Batten 341 29:15 9:25 29:25 Quinn Batuyios 1004 41:05 13:14 43:37 Melissa Baucom 4545 29:50 9:36 29:58 Sterley Baucom 1030 29:50 9:37 29:59 Adrian Bazenas 4677 49:48 16:02 52:16 Kimphuong Bazmore 1766 38:24 12:22 38:49 Jason Beach 5507 41:41 13:25 46:04 Mackenzie Beach 1390 41:40 13:25 46:03 Alice Beaussant 387 42:03 13:33 42:31 Andrew Beck 5509 41:21 13:19 43:49 Sonya Beck 451 41:20 13:19 43:48 Isobel Becker 202 45:59 14:48 49:52 Melissa Belanger 4674 37:35 12:06 40:11 Madison Belizaire 942 49:39 15:59 49:46 Eric Bell 4579 45:42 14:43 46:28 Sylvia Bell 388 45:36 14:41 46:23 Joseidys Beltre 157 39:43 12:47 43:47 Lindsey Benito Quisquina 137 45:22 14:37 49:29 Aurora Grace Bennett 604 45:58 14:48 47:45 Carin Bennett-Rizzo 1879 33:13 10:42 37:41 Misly Benoit 5110 49:23 15:54 51:38 Jacqueline Benson 1840 47:26 15:16 52:06 Deborah Berger 1805 47:45 15:22 48:35 Ruby Bergerson 342 39:07 12:36 40:09 Zoe Bergin 1132 47:20 15:14 49:08 Noa Berkey Sperling 929 28:34 9:12 30:46 Danesha Berment 5075 44:27 14:19 49:40 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 5 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Dejon Berment 5301 43:20 13:57 48:41 Leah Bermudez 499 54:46 17:38 58:47 Olivia Bernow 5306 48:40 15:40 50:41 Sophie Bernow 103 48:34 15:38 50:34 Jennifer Berry 4537 51:03 16:26 55:41 Suzie Bertisch 4683 44:31 14:20 46:20 Abby Bertrand 1491 1:04:05 20:38 1:10:52 Adrianna Betances 440 38:59 12:33 39:14 John-Andrew Betancourt 4733 29:59 9:39 30:21 Mia Betancourt-Vasquez 576 29:59 9:39 30:21 Emma Biggins 880 37:59 12:14 39:32 Nicole Biggins 4938 38:01 12:15 39:34 Elise Bilbo 1423 56:00 18:02 1:02:07 Samantha Biller 1047 52:52 17:01 58:12 Amy Birchall 881 44:12 14:14 47:33 Vivian Birchall 4888 44:13 14:14 47:34 Emilia Bird 536 42:52 13:48 48:46 Hailemichael Birhanu 5073 50:13 16:10 55:56 Leighton Biron 1410 37:01 11:55 38:10 Meredith Biron 5048 37:01 11:55 38:10 Joviah Birungi 689 39:33 12:44 41:45 Megan Bisk 5312 33:24 10:45 37:23 Gissel Bisono 5031 58:00 18:40 1:01:37 Elena Bissonette 1708 47:06 15:10 48:48 Skylar Blackwell 1367 52:56 17:03 58:29 Maria Blaney 690 56:57 18:20 59:58 Paul Blaney 5540 57:02 18:22 1:00:02 Amelia Blankenship 882 38:52 12:31 40:17 Keegan Bliss 4712 38:54 12:32 38:54 Annika Blouin 952 31:12 10:03 31:20 John Blouin 4525 28:48 9:17 28:58 Maggie Blouin 953 28:48 9:17 28:58 Michelle Blouin 4526 31:12 10:03 31:20 Lucy Blust 11 43:08 13:53 48:17 Zach Blust 4757 43:08 13:53 48:17 Katelyn Boaman 4632 42:05 13:33 48:48 Allison Boconsaca 267 39:48 12:49 41:42 Orly Bogler 5470 41:14 13:17 41:23 Jennifer Bolanos 1930 57:38 18:33 57:38 Josh Bolles 4494 36:13 11:40 36:29 Lyla Bolles 1133 36:12 11:39 36:28 Aria Bolton 231 53:16 17:09 58:46 Daniel Bolton 5260 53:16 17:09 58:46 Ashley Bonilla De Le N 419 51:38 16:37 55:20 Lily Borgenvik 389 34:14 11:02 34:52 Linus Borgenvik 4486 34:16 11:02 34:53 Luisa Borges 1141 46:04 14:50 48:07 Mushsharat Borhan 1268 51:50 16:41 57:57 Aubrey Bornstein 1080 27:15 8:47 27:20 Erin Borthwick 5723 45:57 14:48 46:59 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 6 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Fiona Borthwick 343 45:16 14:35 46:18 Candace Bosch 4883 45:55 14:47 51:21 Billie Bostic 1005 29:08 9:23 29:34 Aidan Botelho 4775 35:56 11:34 38:00 MacKenna Botelho 1917 51:36 16:37 57:34 Emily Bottari 1450 29:46 9:35 35:18 Johnny Bottari 5195 29:48 9:36 35:19 Malak Bouhlal 537 49:16 15:52 55:49 Arianna Bounthisane 1329 41:37 13:24 47:16 Jocelyn Bourgeois 5122 53:49 17:20 59:28 Hannah Boutiette 1689 47:49 15:24 50:56 Cassandra Bowden 4943 57:37 18:33 1:02:16 Stella Bowden 1290 57:35 18:32 1:02:17 Kyle Boyce 5054 32:45 10:33 33:13 Leesha Boylan 1702 46:07 14:51 48:18 Mia Brackett 1269 38:27 12:23 43:59 Evelyn Bradley 1006 39:53 12:51 41:35 James Bradley 4496 39:54 12:51 41:36 Dave Brady 746 1:03:25 20:25 1:03:25 Kathleen Brady 4837 57:32 18:32 1:01:15 Nora Brady 203 57:58 18:40 1:01:41 Kate Bragg 1887 45:31 14:39 51:05 Sarah Branz 5410 40:24 13:01 40:42 Kristi Bray 5061 37:13 11:59 37:23 Aaron Breau 5228 51:41 16:38 57:55 Alivia Breau 500 51:33 16:36 57:48 Mariah Brennan 1532 31:30 10:09 33:13 Christa Brent 1841 38:10 12:18 42:49 Ashley Brentano 1619 36:38 11:48 36:59 Dana Breward 1922 52:53 17:01 59:22 Mackenzie Brice 538 42:45 13:46 48:39 Megan Briggs 4588 39:53 12:51 42:34 Nora Briggs 930 39:52 12:50 42:34 Cecilia Brill 12 47:18 15:14 52:31 Elizabeth Brill 1522 47:20 15:14 52:32 Channel Briseño 420 57:54 18:38 1:01:19 Jonathan Bristol 1523 39:56 12:52 44:31 Katie Bristol 13 39:56 12:51 44:32 Aljery Brito 5404 54:55 17:41 57:54 Edward Brodney 5324 33:25 10:46 34:15 Hazel Brodney 641 33:25 10:46 34:15 Lauren Brooks 1644 42:11 13:35 44:01 Danyka Brophy 1476 44:53 14:27 49:32 Kate Brothers 1330 26:40 8:35 29:45 Timothy Brothers 4817 26:39 8:35 29:44 Addison Brown 539 47:19 15:14 53:52 Dan Brown 5088 43:37 14:03 50:42 Emma Brown 1451 43:36 14:02 50:40 Jennifer Brown 1800 43:43 14:05 50:08 Kathleen Brown 4875 48:40 15:40 48:43 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 7 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Maura Brown 5354 33:15 10:42 34:48 Nora Brown 1411 51:38 16:37 57:35 Stella Brown 4710 42:42 13:45 42:48 Winifred Brown 284 34:11 11:01 34:39 Brianna Bruch 1291 51:00 16:25 55:41 Sophia Brunet 1873 55:34 17:53 1:00:06 Alexandra Bruno 1651 27:45 8:56 28:03 Mhairi Bryce 470 56:09 18:05 59:15 Jaclyn Bryson 1565 50:52 16:23 55:44 Laura Buccieri 4977 47:29 15:17 51:22 Kathleen Buchheit 5633 41:34 13:23 44:27 Dan Buckley 4996 33:24 10:45 35:03 Doreen Bucklin 5535 45:13 14:33 51:07 Aasima Budhathoki 1247 37:58 12:14 44:41 Anna Bujalski 5530 42:28 13:40 47:39 Loreanni Bultron 540 45:44 14:43 52:20 Maggie Burke 1099 50:20 16:12 54:47 Randi Burke 1812 50:24 16:14 54:51 Lucianna Bustamante Apon 1178 55:37 17:54 1:00:18 Amy Bustos Richard 1709 40:02 12:54 41:46 Joe Butler 4812 23:23 7:32 23:27 Kristin Butler 4811 27:30 8:51 27:34 Maddie Butler 1081 27:30 8:51 27:34 Makenna Butler 1082 23:20 7:31 23:24 Mia Butler 232 54:53 17:40 1:00:23 Vincent Butler Jr 4930 54:54 17:41 1:00:24 Ruby Byrd 285 55:49 17:58 57:54 Isabella Caamano 88 44:51 14:27 51:10 Jhaylenne Cabrera 370 39:02 12:34 40:03 Caroline Cahan 1064 41:38 13:24 42:40 Dan Cahan 5369 41:38 13:24 42:41 Jenna Cahill 4839 37:07 11:57 39:21 Aida Calabrese 297 49:17 15:52 50:23 Maya Calabrese 5212 49:18 15:52 50:24 Eliza Callaghan 204 39:41 12:47 42:52 Allyson Callahan 5131 33:32 10:48 33:51 Kaitlyn Callahan 471 26:46 8:37 27:05 Samantha Callahan 472 33:31 10:48 33:50 Leanne Campagnone 5219 55:03 17:43 56:29 Chrismarl Campos 259 43:53 14:08 49:54 Gracelyn Cannone 1100 53:24 17:12 56:12 Jessica Cannone 4680 53:24 17:12 56:12 Alyssa Cantwell 4893 46:38 15:01 51:02 Caroline Capel 1524 49:27 15:55 54:25 Arisleydi Cardona 23 49:47 16:02 52:15 Franchesca Cardoso-Faust 1346 48:26 15:36 53:53 Amy Carey 4770 34:31 11:07 34:52 Grace Carey 1880 30:32 9:50 34:43 Laura Carias 4540 52:19 16:51 57:26 Marjorie Carias Boteo 1477 39:03 12:35 44:21 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 8 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Katherine Carmody 4905 43:23 13:58 45:41 Maya Carneiro 104 39:32 12:44 40:20 Nicole Carnevale 1881 25:50 8:19 30:19 Brennan Carney 1083 27:50 8:58 27:55 Calliope Carney 912 49:55 16:04 50:55 Clinton Carney 5008 49:57 16:05 50:56 Nola Mae Carney 1084 26:52 8:39 26:57 Veronica Carney 4803 27:57 9:00 28:01 Alison Carr 4815 26:34 8:34 26:38 Lillian Carr 1085 26:35 8:34 26:39 Ruth Carrasco 1113 46:29 14:58 51:08 Alexandra (Alix Carrillo 1279 53:13 17:08 59:34 Maura Carten 1851 1:12:00 23:11 1:12:00 David Carter 1825 34:37 11:09 39:38 Evangeline Caruso-Bryan 473 56:09 18:05 59:14 Emanuela Carvalho 521 33:53 10:55 38:04 Fabiana Carvalho 4636 33:55 10:55 38:05 Belinda Casas 4679 43:43 14:05 46:39 Maeve Casey 5060 51:46 16:40 56:52 Matilda Cassetta-Kayser 662 35:38 11:28 37:44 Susana Castaño G mez 747 35:15 11:21 37:30 Emma Castillo 779 38:53 12:31 39:18 Anna Cataldo 4589 43:52 14:07 48:34 Brittany Cataldo 4484 42:38 13:44 44:10 Cristina Catana 800 47:29 15:17 50:26 Fanny Cavalie 5712 35:36 11:28 36:06 Jessie Cawley 5157 39:46 12:48 40:50 Madeline Cawley 1031 39:45 12:48 40:49 Nildeane Cecilier 4948 56:38 18:14 1:01:31 Carol Celaro 4937 39:57 12:52 46:00 Jewel Celestin 5629 55:36 17:54 57:35 Benny Cespedea 5145 52:52 17:01 55:19 Zeily Cespedes 421 52:55 17:02 55:21 Aylin Ceyhan 1032 34:46 11:12 35:01 Rose Chadwick-Lerner 817 41:48 13:27 45:35 Evelyn Chafla 5408 50:44 16:20 54:59 Imani Chambers 128 43:15 13:56 45:43 Keith Champagne 4567 41:13 13:16 42:52 Victoria Champagne 1048 41:13 13:16 42:52 Jemmy Chan 4547 33:59 10:57 34:36 Penelope Chan 474 33:59 10:57 34:36 Amahre Chandler 5628 45:11 14:33 47:01 Journey Chandler 175 45:11 14:33 47:01 Ama Chang 883 49:22 15:54 54:21 Olivia Chang 453 38:13 12:19 43:53 Yuning Chang 4492 49:25 15:55 54:23 Fanaella Charles 1248 56:35 18:13 1:00:49 Aurelie Charles-Prophete 14 49:26 15:55 54:23 Catherine Chasse 1755 56:10 18:05 57:39 Nicole Chasse 1645 44:52 14:27 49:02 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 9 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Mary Chavez Lopez 1179 42:05 13:33 48:48 Angelika Chea 1292 44:37 14:22 49:15 Billy Chea 4776 44:37 14:22 49:15 Hannah Chen 1142 45:06 14:31 51:10 Jerry Chen 5641 41:50 13:28 42:53 Qi Chen 5719 45:07 14:32 51:11 Eleanor Chezar 1143 50:37 16:18 55:44 Jacqueline Chezar 5605 50:40 16:19 55:45 Eva Chicas 5801 48:25 15:35 49:06 Sophia Chigas 1424 42:20 13:38 48:47 Stephanie Chin 4884 38:12 12:18 43:52 Paula Chingo 4807 44:44 14:24 49:37 Erika Chinlle 24 41:53 13:29 44:50 Jordyn Chipman 1443 1:05:59 21:15 1:11:24 Yoonseo Cho 408 38:41 12:28 41:23 Jazmine Choche 674 41:20 13:19 42:33 Alivia Choeum 5254 52:35 16:56 56:53 Ayleen Choeum 1355 52:34 16:55 56:53 Moonhyun Choi 5208 46:07 14:51 48:40 Seoyoon Choi 818 46:06 14:51 48:39 Esther Chow 205 43:04 13:52 46:51 Joanna Chow 4516 43:03 13:52 46:50 Maya Chrisco 1425 42:03 13:32 48:55 Nora Christianson 344 41:02 13:13 42:51 Phil Christianson 5717 41:04 13:13 42:53 Amy Chruniak 1842 44:08 14:13 48:46 Erin Chrzanowski 4950 51:30 16:35 52:09 Kahliana Cioffi 66 46:02 14:49 47:29 Michael Cioffi 4878 46:03 14:50 47:27 Sofia Cladera Contreras 25 46:35 15:00 49:31 Andrew Clark 5268 36:47 11:51 39:49 Eliza Clark 206 36:47 11:51 39:49 Raevonii Clark 967 50:07 16:08 54:57 Courtney Clarke 5525 27:02 8:42 28:05 Debra Clarke 4942 57:19 18:27 1:00:06 Juliet Clarke 475 27:02 8:42 28:05 Nia Clarke 968 46:49 15:05 49:36 Elizabeth Clemente 1908 43:53 14:08 48:09 Tracy Clements 5019 31:25 10:07 31:33 Jennifer Climaco 5151 58:09 18:43 59:33 Kate Clinch 1876 45:17 14:35 51:59 Ari Cohen 4985 36:07 11:38 37:37 Sarah Cohen 4793 42:03 13:32 42:30 Kathleen Colantonio 1923 43:09 13:54 49:13 Mary Colantonio 1426 43:09 13:54 49:13 Elizabeth Cole 4903 49:43 16:00 55:40 Fatmata Bintu Cole 129 1:07:05 21:36 1:10:25 Kuntumi Deen Cole 130 1:07:01 21:34 1:10:22 Tajudeen Cole 4825 48:17 15:33 51:38 Bryan Collins 5252 36:05 11:37 38:18 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 10 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Kaiya Collins 1356 35:59 11:35 38:12 Mayra Colon 5081 1:00:56 19:37 1:05:39 Sophia Colon 1294 1:00:56 19:37 1:05:39 Jaydaliz Concepcion 441 46:50 15:05 47:06 Pamela Concepcion 5812 49:17 15:52 51:27 Natalie Condon 867 37:52 12:12 38:25 Brent Conley 5211 38:10 12:17 39:17 Charlotte Conley 298 38:07 12:16 39:13 Nicole Connarton 1572 57:59 18:40 1:01:41 Maya Conneeley 614 58:07 18:43 59:09 Christine Connolly 4756 58:11 18:44 59:12 Colleen Connor 1578 44:58 14:29 48:18 Eleanor Connors 371 55:02 17:43 56:29 Maeve Conroy 1134 44:57 14:28 46:38 Gabriela Contreras 1114 44:58 14:29 49:41 Yerardin Contreras 4671 46:37 15:01 49:33 Cora Cook 1412 49:42 16:00 55:40 Elizabeth Cook 1918 1:01:24 19:46 1:06:14 Zoe Cooks 392 51:29 16:35 52:09 Lucy Coombs 1007 34:46 11:12 36:08 Sandy Coombs 5238 34:46 11:12 36:08 Layla Coote 768 38:17 12:20 39:40 Jada Copeland 969 37:21 12:02 42:08 Brian Corbin 4606 29:40 9:33 29:41 Natalie Corbin 67 29:40 9:33 29:41 Matsuko Coreus Leather 943 50:04 16:07 50:09 Monika Cormack 1588 53:09 17:07 56:29 Samantha Cornell 4847 50:10 16:09 51:22 Teagan Cornell 372 43:32 14:01 44:44 Jasmine Coronado 138 45:42 14:43 48:11 Ashley Coronado Bamaca 308 41:36 13:24 43:00 Natalie Corrales 106 48:33 15:38 50:34 Leah Corrigan 1845 32:38 10:31 32:44 Mila Cosentino 51 43:21 13:58 45:39 Rafaella Faith Costa 1391 57:35 18:32 1:02:49 Lynnette Costoello 442 38:56 12:32 39:10 Brian Cotting 4766 44:22 14:17 48:33 Angelie Coulanges 4660 56:53 18:19 59:53 Abby Couture 1806 26:33 8:33 26:46 Avery Cowhig 1008 45:15 14:34 47:55 Michael Cowhig 4491 45:16 14:34 47:55 Christina Crane 5043 41:34 13:23 42:04 Kennedy Crane 233 41:26 13:20 41:56 April Crawford 1895 54:46 17:38 1:00:11 Elizabeth Croke 933 36:01 11:36 37:48 Liz Cronan 1607 42:23 13:39 42:59 Audrey Cronin 286 43:20 13:57 44:13 Jennifer Cronin 5358 44:03 14:11 44:58 David Crowe 5632 32:27 10:27 35:14 Riley Crowe 1049 32:27 10:27 35:13 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 11 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Olivia Crowley 1747 48:15 15:32 54:14 Isabella Cruwys 522 59:37 19:12 1:02:29 Analia Cruz 555 35:39 11:29 39:19 Angelica Cruz 780 49:10 15:50 51:22 Ariany Cruz 663 42:00 13:31 43:45 Ashley Cruz 26 47:00 15:08 49:27 Chris Cruz 4724 49:59 16:06 50:28 Joshua Cruz 5050 35:39 11:29 39:19 Yaritza Cruz 5222 49:12 15:51 51:24 Astrid Cruz Diaz 1478 36:21 11:42 42:16 Eleanor Cudmore 52 50:42 16:19 52:33 Julie Cudmore 4783 50:48 16:22 52:40 Jayannalis Cuevas 1115 52:14 16:49 52:20 Joshua Cuevas 4716 52:13 16:49 52:19 Gracie Culp 328 52:10 16:48 52:49 Davina Cummings 868 43:35 14:02 44:19 Samantha Cummings 4956 43:36 14:02 44:19 Tatiana Cunningham 5129 56:59 18:21 58:39 Jazaih Curet 5051 46:07 14:51 49:42 Kerry Curran 5290 42:50 13:48 48:59 Orla Curran 1427 42:49 13:47 48:59 Shailagh Curran 4750 55:41 17:56 57:23 Susan Curran 1623 42:15 13:36 43:27 Emma Currier 1452 37:22 12:02 43:41 Sarah Currier 4520 37:25 12:03 43:42 Julie Curti 5346 41:47 13:27 45:35 Monserrate Custodio 5029 57:59 18:40 1:01:37 Clover Czahor 1270 37:10 11:58 42:38 Tracy Czahor 4851 36:08 11:38 41:37 Moira D’Avolio 1331 57:12 18:25 1:00:45 Laura Da Silva 727 46:38 15:01 47:14 Laura Da Silva 832 48:16 15:32 54:14 Bob Dacey 5023 27:11 8:45 27:14 Deanna Daley 5248 1:03:19 20:23 1:08:04 Maiya Damasceno 748 43:54 14:08 47:20 Victor Damasceno 5165 44:11 14:14 47:37 Julie Dananberg 1009 39:39 12:46 40:43 Ross Dananberg 5614 39:43 12:47 40:48 Sylvia Dandrata 1807 34:46 11:12 35:00 Lyla Danna 642 37:36 12:06 38:29 Sarah Danna 5335 37:40 12:08 38:33 Lindsey Dargan 4587 30:54 9:57 31:11 Karoline Dasilva 1369 41:00 13:12 45:51 Raquel Dasilva 5134 41:06 13:14 45:58 Caroline Daugherty 1736 29:38 9:33 30:03 Gwyneth Davies 1938 50:16 16:11 57:01 Amy Davis 1924 36:33 11:46 43:25 Natalie Davis 1197 24:37 7:56 24:37 Nicole Davis 4741 47:55 15:26 53:30 Quinn Davis 1428 36:31 11:46 43:24 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 12 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Elizabeth Day 1655 35:51 11:33 42:01 Hannah Day 1682 40:41 13:06 43:42 Isabella Day 1538 40:53 13:10 47:11 Edgar Ddiba 5272 38:53 12:31 40:20 Hannelore Ddiba 884 52:57 17:03 56:54 Lorena De Comargo Neves 728 42:35 13:43 43:09 Leila De Jesus 1370 44:54 14:27 51:43 Luis De Jesus 4889 44:54 14:27 51:42 Barbara De La Cruz 5142 49:23 15:54 54:21 Brenda De La Cruz 4797 52:31 16:55 57:25 Maria De La Cruz 1230 52:32 16:55 57:25 Angela De Leon 38 49:14 15:51 51:56 Luis De Leon 4743 46:27 14:58 51:17 Yeilin De Leon 131 45:20 14:36 47:46 Daylin De Leon De Leon 309 42:23 13:39 43:00 Emelly De Los Santos 675 33:33 10:48 34:31 Caitlin De Santi 1727 29:55 9:38 31:04 Mia De Santi 1728 31:00 9:59 32:09 Sofia De Santi 769 29:55 9:38 31:04 Mydjouly Dean 1249 38:38 12:26 45:23 Cara Debeer 4529 58:08 18:43 1:02:11 Trisanya Decambre 159 42:46 13:46 46:02 Gemma Decastro 355 37:12 11:59 37:23 Eyal Dechter 5522 26:20 8:29 26:38 Emma Decius 898 40:00 12:53 45:57 Taylor Defronzo 1724 35:16 11:21 37:31 Jody Del Gaizo 5067 57:54 18:38 1:01:19 Scarlet Delarosa 1332 57:14 18:26 1:00:47 Alyssa Deleon 5229 57:36 18:33 1:01:43 Anytza Delgado 5121 1:01:17 19:44 1:01:53 Alison Deluna Brito 27 59:28 19:09 1:02:02 Marjorie Dely 4495 44:56 14:28 45:45 Christopher Demaina 4574 39:44 12:48 45:57 Vivian Demaina 1429 39:45 12:48 45:56 Kimmy Demello 5250 35:31 11:26 36:14 Jaclyn Demianiuk 4626 41:05 13:14 42:25 Nicole Denardo 1813 53:29 17:13 56:16 Nora Denardo 1101 53:25 17:12 56:13 Bridget Depoy 4869 41:50 13:28 48:15 Konstantin Derman 1729 38:19 12:20 39:41 Valentina Derman 770 38:12 12:18 39:35 Kellliann Derosa 5421 46:01 14:49 50:00 Annabelle Derosier 1010 28:27 9:10 29:11 Christine Derse 1882 36:52 11:52 41:48 Lola Desatnick 270 41:32 13:22 42:25 Scott Desatnick 5501 41:35 13:23 42:27 Christine Desrosiers 4652 40:51 13:09 41:15 Hannah Desrosiers 1034 40:50 13:09 41:15 Damien Dethsy 4863 53:33 17:14 56:26 Jefferson Devia 4725 46:12 14:53 49:01 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 13 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Layla Devincent 68 43:29 14:00 50:03 Tricia Devlin 1909 44:36 14:22 48:17 Genevieve Devoe 1271 57:50 18:37 1:02:07 Suzanne Devoe 4870 57:50 18:37 1:02:08 Emma Dhanda 1072 36:26 11:44 42:07 Jacqueline Diaz 5125 47:41 15:21 52:18 Lea Diaz 176 48:36 15:39 53:37 Perla Diaz 310 47:12 15:12 48:36 Victoria Diaz 89 46:11 14:52 52:28 Jaelani Diaz Rosa 191 50:52 16:23 55:43 Simone Dibella 4744 55:38 17:55 1:00:18 Aaliyah Dickerson 578 49:00 15:47 51:09 Reggiel Dickerson Jr 5635 49:00 15:47 51:09 Kelsey Dickson 5161 47:27 15:17 49:24 Marley Dickson 1722 25:59 8:22 26:08 Luna Dieppa 422 52:56 17:03 55:21 Jason Difederico 4595 35:39 11:29 37:05 Nora Difederico 1011 35:39 11:29 37:05 Dianelys Difo 1527 59:12 19:04 1:02:28 Etta Dildine 1012 32:00 10:18 33:28 Isabel Dineen 1198 35:53 11:33 35:55 Daniel Dineen Iv 4543 35:52 11:33 35:54 Laleh Dini 234 41:18 13:18 43:37 Madeleine Dirico 821 52:11 16:48 56:41 Elwad Dirir 177 47:01 15:08 51:15 Kendall Diroma 664 39:36 12:45 40:56 Rozaly Disla 423 59:07 19:02 1:03:49 Xiannalise Disla 1116 46:11 14:52 49:01 Danielle Ditommaso 1690 44:42 14:24 45:02 Kennedy Dobbins 1314 32:41 10:32 38:23 Sandra Dobbins 4781 32:47 10:33 38:28 Ariane Dobias 5242 44:50 14:26 45:46 Kara Dodd 4713 1:04:05 20:38 1:10:52 Harlow Domigan 708 54:20 17:30 55:02 Ryan Domigan 4501 54:20 17:30 55:02 Catherine Dominick Cunni 5510 28:18 9:07 28:26 Bridget Donaghue 1691 47:48 15:23 50:56 Victoria Donahue 1566 50:31 16:16 55:52 Grace Donnelly 207 38:41 12:28 42:23 Shawna Donnelly 4625 38:41 12:27 42:24 Sarah Donovan 1795 31:46 10:14 33:46 Rosehana Dorceus 542 56:54 18:19 1:03:07 Avery Dorfman 393 33:10 10:41 33:53 Josh Dorfman 4575 33:11 10:41 33:54 Sophie Dorleans 970 57:17 18:27 1:01:41 Heather Dormer 1696 34:12 11:01 36:45 Socrates Dos Santos 4852 42:35 13:43 43:09 Ella Doyle 356 34:15 11:02 34:32 Julie Doyle 4953 34:14 11:02 34:32 Kathleen Doyle 4896 44:30 14:20 46:22 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 14 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Margaret Drake 345 44:28 14:19 46:22 Raina Drapeau 208 36:45 11:50 40:25 Andrea Drawas 5609 50:35 16:17 53:39 Hazel Drawas 885 50:32 16:16 53:36 Terri Dsida 1810 39:48 12:49 41:50 Gbah Dualu 4538 53:41 17:17 58:56 Skyler Dualu 833 53:39 17:17 58:56 Nicole Duarte 5224 43:01 13:51 44:00 Jennifer Dube 4762 34:22 11:04 35:07 Lyla Dube 1372 34:16 11:02 35:03 Katherine Dudley 4989 45:43 14:43 46:28 Anabelle Dulong 1315 45:06 14:31 50:43 Daniel Dulong 5017 45:06 14:31 50:43 Gwendolyn Dulong 1316 48:18 15:33 53:56 Vivienne Dulong 53 49:03 15:48 50:58 Dennis Dulong Jr 5042 49:03 15:48 50:59 Carla Dume 1117 41:05 13:14 42:25 Brian Dunagan 5055 48:36 15:39 54:21 Rebecca Dunagan 1145 48:36 15:39 54:21 Jennifer Dunbar 1454 1:04:29 20:46 1:11:24 Rachel Dunbar 1826 38:01 12:14 43:03 Antoinette Duncan 4546 56:45 18:16 1:03:23 Emma Dunlevy 913 26:10 8:26 26:25 Shaun Dunlevy 4945 26:36 8:34 26:50 Mary Dunn 1769 31:10 10:02 34:29 Shannon Dunn 1756 38:40 12:27 39:09 Nicholson Durand 5604 42:14 13:36 47:51 Amelia Dvoskin 346 44:29 14:19 46:18 Paula Dwire 1661 38:51 12:30 43:03 John Dwyer 5156 42:56 13:49 44:27 Lucy Dwyer 1013 42:56 13:49 44:26 Amy Eagles 1699 31:49 10:15 38:18 Sanyah Earl 1556 1:02:13 20:02 1:06:39 Jegan Easwaramuthali 4897 40:53 13:10 42:47 Clara Eckhouse 1050 1:00:42 19:33 1:04:00 Lorelai Eckhouse 1051 50:25 16:14 52:14 Matt Eckhouse 5583 1:01:00 19:38 1:04:18 Isabel Eddleston 1925 55:11 17:46 55:21 Kaiah Eddy 1118 48:35 15:39 51:26 Amaya Edwards 132 38:39 12:27 40:36 Kaitlyn Edwards 5532 35:55 11:34 37:41 Megan Egan 1710 38:14 12:19 39:53 August Ehrlich 5708 43:43 14:05 50:19 June Ehrlich 236 43:43 14:05 50:19 Mya Eichel 54 35:51 11:33 37:16 Sandra Eichel 5117 35:52 11:33 37:17 Andries Elburg 5330 34:53 11:14 40:11 Caroline Elburg 643 34:53 11:14 40:10 Minnie Elitt 1430 56:00 18:02 1:02:07 Jood Eljizoli 178 55:28 17:51 1:01:08 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 15 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Jeorgia Elmeus 1455 50:44 16:20 57:40 Jodi Elmeus 5082 53:03 17:05 1:00:00 Joslyn Elmeus 1456 53:02 17:05 1:00:00 Mohamed Eloumami 5810 51:18 16:31 56:11 Sophia Eloumami 1231 51:11 16:29 56:04 Jason Erbach 4505 38:26 12:23 40:24 Talia Erbach 934 38:25 12:22 40:24 Holly Erickson 5322 31:07 10:01 37:37 Jessica Erickson 5320 33:38 10:50 40:09 Kenna Erickson 644 33:30 10:47 40:00 Tess Erickson 645 31:05 10:01 37:35 Valentina Ermini 476 44:42 14:24 46:22 Madison Ernstoff 1165 50:09 16:09 55:05 Jacqueline Errera 1857 45:39 14:42 49:43 Juan Escobar 5087 46:18 14:55 50:31 Valentina Escobar Arias 1250 37:59 12:14 44:42 Milena Escoto 300 42:25 13:39 44:41 Liah Escoto Colome 28 47:55 15:26 50:21 Delianny Espinal 556 45:25 14:38 45:57 Myla Espinal 503 55:51 17:59 57:42 Stella Espinola 629 46:21 14:56 47:04 Genesis Espinoza 454 44:53 14:27 49:02 Marelyn Esteban Mendez 1180 55:31 17:53 1:00:12 Amanda Esteves 4708 52:41 16:58 59:31 Leah Estrada 676 40:31 13:03 40:49 Aleya Estrella 311 41:12 13:16 42:16 Joel Estrella 5631 41:12 13:16 42:16 Quirudy Estrella 5416 49:33 15:57 50:18 Emma Etienne 192 45:59 14:48 50:16 Aashanti Evans 312 53:49 17:20 55:10 Amanda Evers 5267 41:45 13:26 45:30 Natalie Ezikpe Onwuka 5147 53:31 17:14 55:39 Westerley Faeny 4868 33:18 10:43 33:19 Emmy Fagerberg 107 37:31 12:05 39:11 Lauren Fagerberg 5302 37:31 12:05 39:12 Gusmaline Fagosse 709 48:37 15:39 48:47 Jacquelyn Faiella 1706 40:05 12:54 41:05 Whitney Fairley 1629 49:06 15:49 51:03 Camila Falette 1373 40:45 13:07 42:30 Christie Falette 4763 40:46 13:07 42:31 Christine Falone 1595 39:49 12:49 41:42 Avery Farber 954 31:25 10:07 31:33 Alessandra Faretra 5093 28:54 9:18 29:05 Andrew Faretra 5094 21:51 7:02 22:02 James Faretra 5092 35:23 11:24 35:35 Bree Faryniarz 1035 34:49 11:13 35:14 Diana Faryniarz 5724 34:49 11:13 35:14 Gabrielle Favreau 1633 43:32 14:01 46:06 Valentina Fayngersh 225 44:16 14:15 45:37 Megan Fehr 1669 45:28 14:38 46:00 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 16 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Margot Feinberg 1431 52:55 17:02 59:22 Kyndal Feinman 1831 47:22 15:15 52:40 Cindy Ferch 5345 35:27 11:25 36:46 Reagan Ferch 822 35:26 11:25 36:46 Buffy Fermino-Korn 5504 35:21 11:23 41:02 Chassidy Fernandez 988 53:32 17:14 56:24 Faye Fernandez 504 53:54 17:21 57:55 Joslaida Fernandez Perez 261 42:25 13:39 48:30 Patricia Ferrari 1634 58:16 18:46 1:02:07 Gabrielly Ferreira 5027 54:04 17:24 56:11 Thiago Ferreira 5426 45:07 14:32 49:56 Yasmyn Ferreira 1233 45:06 14:31 49:55 Laia Ferreras 443 46:34 15:00 46:49 Julia Ficco 1599 41:32 13:22 43:32 Fadila Fikri 4845 49:26 15:55 55:59 Hannah Filiault 1670 49:15 15:51 53:05 Brooke Finch 914 43:47 14:06 44:10 Marc Finch 5613 43:46 14:06 44:10 Shannon Finn 69 31:24 10:07 33:42 Harper Fish 1328 41:55 13:30 46:26 Julie Fish 4541 41:56 13:30 46:26 Sylvie Fisher 248 48:11 15:31 51:19 Tim Fisher 5091 48:12 15:31 51:21 Adeline Fitzgerald 869 40:36 13:04 41:23 Brooke Fitzgerald 357 32:12 10:22 32:33 Dylan Fitzgerald 1457 48:51 15:44 55:45 Ella Fitzgerald 1251 37:58 12:14 44:42 Jennifer Fitzgerald 4932 48:52 15:44 55:47 Sean Fitzgerald 4908 32:13 10:22 32:33 Conor Fitzpatrick 5714 37:04 11:56 40:05 Keira Fitzpatrick 209 36:59 11:55 40:00 Edie Fizer 347 1:00:10 19:22 1:00:10 Brett Flaherty 1146 36:50 11:52 37:07 Jessica Flaherty 4865 36:50 11:52 37:07 Dawn Marie Flak 4715 45:43 14:43 50:19 Jillian Fleming 1846 30:36 9:51 30:37 Micayla Fleming 1200 30:34 9:51 30:35 Ava Fletcher 70 43:47 14:06 50:21 Atziri Jamileth Flores 695 40:03 12:54 41:46 Clara Flores 5409 43:30 14:00 47:34 Dylan Florian 5012 39:01 12:34 40:02 Michael Flynn 5360 48:50 15:43 52:39 Sarah Flynn 1548 27:49 8:57 32:59 Taylor Flynn 373 49:58 16:05 54:55 Aiden Foley 1493 50:14 16:10 56:58 Joanna Foley 1603 48:37 15:39 50:54 Sarah Fonseca 605 48:35 15:39 50:20 Lorianys Fontanez Carrio 523 33:47 10:53 36:29 Anna Forcier 1086 29:15 9:25 29:19 Maura Forcier 4814 25:29 8:12 25:34 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 17 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Andres Forero 4534 39:14 12:38 40:13 Lucianna Forero 710 39:13 12:38 40:13 Corinna Forgit-Garvey 606 40:34 13:04 42:05 Shanna Forgit-Garvey 4643 40:35 13:04 42:06 Emily Forse 4573 55:10 17:46 59:13 Lainey Forse 1147 55:10 17:46 59:13 Eliza Forsstrom 1102 49:18 15:52 56:04 Lindsay Forsstrom 5611 49:18 15:52 56:04 Adam Fouse 4532 49:30 15:56 53:12 Daisy Fouse 955 49:25 15:55 53:07 Aaliyah Fowler 1103 51:28 16:34 58:21 Kevin Fowler 4854 41:57 13:30 42:51 Olivia Fowler 677 41:56 13:30 42:51 Aimee Fox 1863 32:23 10:26 37:13 Eric Fox 4528 45:35 14:41 46:14 Lyla Fox 1201 45:35 14:41 46:13 Sara Fox-Ray 4782 35:51 11:33 41:33 Angela Franceschi 5206 43:58 14:09 47:48 Lillia Francis 1458 38:52 12:31 39:00 Zoey Francis 1166 46:24 14:56 52:55 Reynalysse Francisque 543 46:38 15:01 53:15 Adelyn Franco 1392 48:42 15:41 53:59 Greg Franco 5140 48:42 15:41 53:59 Vita Franjul 1703 48:28 15:36 49:58 Ashley Frassa 1656 37:15 12:00 43:15 Peterson Frederico 4535 40:19 12:59 42:01 Valentina Frederico 1393 40:19 12:59 42:01 Naomi Freeman 591 52:36 16:56 59:02 Stephanie Freeman 4972 52:40 16:57 59:05 Story French 935 37:15 12:00 38:35 Aniyah Frias 1119 46:29 14:58 51:08 Zoey Fryou 1317 45:11 14:33 51:07 Allen Fucile 4646 55:33 17:53 1:01:07 Ridley Fucile 1459 55:33 17:53 1:01:07 Arinel Fuentes 2 49:41 16:00 56:04 Janializ Fuentes Lugo 40 53:42 17:18 56:25 Charlotte Fumelus 1252 38:38 12:26 45:23 Aoi Funamizu 801 31:42 10:12 34:39 Kaoru Funamizu 4601 31:41 10:12 34:40 Charlotte G Mez Concepci 782 49:11 15:50 51:21 Gatiba Gachanju 1505 46:09 14:52 53:14 Kamau Gachanju 1506 37:27 12:04 44:32 Wanjiru Gachanju 1507 53:21 17:11 53:21 Alison Gagne Machado 1858 38:39 12:27 45:23 Maia Galdamez Flores 524 38:50 12:30 42:52 Drew Gallagher 4590 48:42 15:41 53:34 Delaila Galli 3 43:39 14:03 49:56 Eldina Galli 4615 49:38 15:59 55:59 Jill Galli 477 32:24 10:26 32:50 Kevin Galli 4753 32:35 10:29 33:01 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 18 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Abigail Gannon 1790 40:05 12:54 43:39 Nora Gannon 802 41:12 13:16 44:34 Stephen Gannon 4979 41:14 13:17 44:37 Macy Garabito 781 48:11 15:31 50:23 Elianny Garc A 424 49:32 15:57 54:46 Liliana Garc A 525 43:22 13:58 46:20 Jose Garcia 4833 40:46 13:08 44:39 Julieta Garcia 5263 45:41 14:42 45:59 Monique Garcia 1785 1:01:36 19:50 1:07:09 Naylah Garcia 1374 1:07:45 21:49 1:12:28 Ruth Garcia 1591 43:53 14:08 49:53 Sofia Garcia Chen 348 41:50 13:28 42:52 Kaylee Garcia Lopez 139 54:34 17:34 1:00:12 Yamileth Garcia Salguero 505 40:47 13:08 44:39 Victoria Garcia-Albea 5039 24:37 7:56 24:37 Geraldine Gardner 1757 45:22 14:36 46:14 Nellie Gardner 1202 39:57 12:52 40:01 Roy Gardner 4919 40:00 12:53 40:03 Mia Gaska 1911 33:19 10:44 34:50 Mimi Gaska 1394 33:01 10:38 34:33 Kaelyn Gatta 989 45:34 14:40 47:36 Kathlyn Gatta 990 45:37 14:41 47:39 Sarah Gault 1589 53:10 17:07 56:29 Mawutor Gbeve 915 53:21 17:11 54:05 Nelson Gbeve 4523 53:21 17:11 54:05 Lucie Gbormittah 887 54:44 17:37 1:00:02 Krisi Geary 1912 33:04 10:39 34:38 Skylar Geary 1395 32:58 10:37 34:31 Eyerusalem Gebreyesus 711 27:12 8:46 27:22 Jessica Geiger 4895 53:01 17:04 58:22 Aklasia Genene 712 48:25 15:35 50:16 Bezawit Genene 4924 48:25 15:35 50:17 Veronica Gentile 1561 45:52 14:46 50:43 Karter Gerald 971 45:59 14:48 51:14 Jessica Gerke 1604 43:30 14:00 45:46 Nell Gerke 301 43:29 14:00 45:45 Evey German 29 42:41 13:45 44:36 Marisa Getchell 1671 41:47 13:27 45:14 Ceili Getman 1657 35:51 11:33 42:01 Alemtsehay Gezahgn 4778 48:25 15:35 50:17 Joude Gharras 1253 54:56 17:41 58:30 Peter Ghattas 5205 45:37 14:41 47:23 Tirhas Ghebrelul 4747 58:02 18:41 1:02:25 Rucha Gheewala 5370 41:14 13:17 41:53 Elise Ghigliotti 713 27:43 8:56 27:53 Juliette Ghigliotti 714 27:10 8:45 27:21 Annalise Gil 834 49:07 15:49 54:02 Ezequiel Gil 5622 47:10 15:11 53:08 Serena Gil 835 47:09 15:11 53:08 Jimmy Gilbert 5062 51:08 16:28 55:06 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 19 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Dror Gilboa 4894 30:59 9:59 33:21 Ofri Gilboa 455 31:00 9:59 33:22 Lindsey Gill 1796 45:36 14:41 47:38 Jennifer Gillen 1717 48:37 15:39 48:48 Britta Gillis 5334 28:35 9:12 28:40 Chloe Gillis 646 23:59 7:43 24:03 Akoura Gino 1280 37:07 11:57 39:21 Alyssa Giordano 4994 42:08 13:34 43:46 Isla Giordano 1052 42:07 13:34 43:46 Mia Giordano 1053 33:23 10:45 35:02 Brian Gird 4976 54:46 17:38 58:38 Gabrielle Giroux 1540 40:46 13:08 47:10 Scott Glajch 5090 54:14 17:28 56:36 Selina Glajch 302 54:14 17:28 56:37 Cookie Glatzel 4834 47:56 15:26 54:30 Delphina Glatzel 1413 47:55 15:26 54:30 Marissa Glennon 1535 43:30 14:00 50:03 Shawn Glidden 4676 42:52 13:48 45:29 Ahmarah Glover 729 55:17 17:48 56:51 Katherine Godin 4655 33:25 10:46 33:35 Ava Goldberg 870 41:25 13:20 42:05 Missy Goldberg 1758 41:25 13:20 42:06 Samantha Goldberg 4787 52:10 16:48 52:49 Maggie Jane Goldstein 349 34:13 11:01 35:12 Nancy Goldstein 1791 40:06 12:55 43:42 Charlotte Goldworm 1432 42:28 13:40 48:36 Dezeree Gomes 374 46:53 15:06 48:08 Jessica Gomes 4944 46:38 15:01 47:15 Manuela Gomes 991 45:37 14:41 47:39 Estefani Gomez 1296 47:51 15:24 52:24 Geralys Gomez 444 44:54 14:27 45:10 Siboney Gomez 5014 48:12 15:31 50:23 Lucas Gontijo 4777 32:28 10:27 33:02 Aislynn Gonzalez 506 40:27 13:02 42:58 Angel Gonzalez 4981 40:27 13:02 42:58 Camila Soffia Gonzalez 750 43:37 14:03 49:49 Carlota Gonzalez 108 37:42 12:08 41:42 Eduardo Gonzalez 5079 43:39 14:03 49:51 Gabriella Gonzalez 1792 29:12 9:24 29:38 Haley Gonzalez 445 44:56 14:28 45:11 Khristyn Gonzalez 5080 58:53 18:57 1:05:04 Serenity Gonzalez 425 49:30 15:56 54:35 Vicky Gonzalez 4887 55:47 17:58 57:27 Dorely Gonzalez Martinez 559 42:18 13:37 45:03 Johanni Gonzalez Navarro 179 55:45 17:57 57:20 Aubrey Gonzlez 836 42:31 13:41 46:30 Zoe Goralnick 109 48:33 15:38 50:33 Maya Gordon 478 30:53 9:57 31:20 Sage Gordon 350 44:30 14:20 46:19 Maya Gourevitch 237 40:24 13:01 42:01 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 20 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Pranjala Gowdru 1087 39:42 12:47 41:44 Aliza Gramza 4745 32:15 10:23 32:30 Cameron Gramza 1460 32:14 10:23 32:29 Michelle Grandone 5364 55:47 17:58 57:53 Peyton Graziose 72 28:22 9:08 28:22 Ross Graziose 4629 28:23 9:08 28:24 Addison “Addy” Green 287 43:14 13:55 44:08 Gertrude Green 631 48:29 15:37 51:52 Heather Green 4927 52:34 16:55 55:56 Katie Greenzang 1770 31:32 10:09 33:19 Heidi Griffin 1891 55:38 17:55 59:49 Madelaine Grimmer 5276 53:45 17:18 59:07 K.J. Grubbs 4830 45:13 14:34 47:44 Manuel Guanche 5118 36:23 11:43 42:17 Nicole Guarino 4738 56:04 18:03 1:01:04 Ashley Guenette 5357 37:54 12:12 38:50 Lindsey Guenette 288 37:54 12:12 38:51 Stephanie Guenette 5603 40:06 12:55 41:02 Thalya Guerrero 4714 50:08 16:09 52:40 Wendy Guertin 4621 46:29 14:58 51:08 Fiamma Guglielmino 803 52:20 16:51 55:16 Kylee Guillaume 544 1:08:31 22:04 1:10:07 Clia Guillemin 1148 1:12:29 23:20 1:12:29 Gemma Gulner 303 43:05 13:52 45:23 Kristen Gulner 5341 43:05 13:52 45:23 Emilee Gunther 4682 43:52 14:08 46:33 Vivian Gunther 1054 43:50 14:07 46:30 Samjhana Gurung Shrestha 1864 50:23 16:13 55:17 Serafina Gusso 1461 43:38 14:03 49:23 Casey Guy 5469 53:32 17:14 54:38 Alexander Guzman 5045 47:12 15:12 52:03 Dayana Guzman 5502 50:33 16:17 55:36 Raquelita Guzman 4628 43:46 14:06 48:34 Jazmine Guzman Guzman 1181 43:46 14:05 48:34 Holly Gwozdz 5150 47:24 15:16 53:23 Quinn Gwozdz 1073 47:20 15:14 53:19 Hana Haddouche 1254 38:18 12:20 41:18 Lilia Haddouche 4653 46:57 15:07 50:00 Noor Haddouche 1255 38:03 12:15 41:05 Samir Haddouche 4654 38:18 12:20 41:19 Anna Haggard 647 37:01 11:55 38:01 Aida Haile 956 50:27 16:15 53:06 Feben Hailemichael 238 50:10 16:09 55:54 Yohanna Hailu 715 47:52 15:25 49:43 Aviv Halak 456 41:12 13:16 41:20 Claisha Hall 1786 48:46 15:42 53:40 Jessica Hall 1585 25:11 8:07 25:33 Camille Halloran 180 35:54 11:34 37:40 Willow Hamel 1444 46:48 15:04 52:05 Meredith Hamilton 4558 51:38 16:37 57:58 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 21 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Rowen Hamilton-Iammartin 545 51:37 16:37 57:56 Sarah Hammond 5303 30:27 9:48 32:13 Judy Han 1874 47:56 15:26 52:19 Yunhee Han 409 38:44 12:28 41:23 Amitai Handler 4971 26:47 8:37 26:54 Danielle Handler 457 26:46 8:37 26:54 Alex Haney 5194 40:40 13:06 43:42 Sofia Haney 593 40:39 13:05 43:42 Alan Hanley 5026 36:49 11:51 38:55 Chloe Hanley 55 36:48 11:51 38:55 Elizabeth Hansen 1847 46:33 14:59 46:35 Guthrie Hansen 1203 46:31 14:59 46:34 Peyten Hardeman 579 36:34 11:46 37:01 Richard Hardeman 4885 36:34 11:47 37:02 Nicole Hardin-Francis 4686 46:23 14:56 52:55 Lucy Harmon 1888 51:59 16:44 57:37 Mary-Kate Harper 1666 45:44 14:44 52:21 Anna Harrington 1672 42:22 13:38 45:06 Allison Harris 1503 1:03:52 20:34 1:09:52 Noelle Harris 665 53:10 17:07 54:22 Sarah Harris 1630 43:21 13:57 45:23 Brianna Harrison 5805 44:22 14:17 47:01 Lucy Harrison 1088 22:20 7:12 22:22 Parker Hartman 1223 45:39 14:42 52:29 Jasmina Hasanhodzic 4581 38:15 12:19 43:17 Josie Haug 1089 28:08 9:04 28:13 Layla Hay 4980 39:02 12:34 44:20 Cjarlotte Hayed 900 47:17 15:14 53:15 Adira Hayes 329 43:46 14:05 43:50 Rachel Hayes 4983 39:57 12:52 40:05 Galia Hayut 458 35:25 11:24 35:32 Josef Hayut 5531 35:26 11:25 35:33 Patricia Healion 4622 46:31 14:59 51:09 Allie Healy 5585 42:07 13:34 43:02 Elizabeth Healy 1600 42:36 13:43 43:31 Susanna Heberle-Dechter 480 25:12 8:07 25:29 Janelle Heenan 5168 51:34 16:36 58:13 Rachel Heep 1579 46:38 15:01 51:04 Samantha Heery 4659 44:23 14:17 45:27 Eleanor Heffernan 375 50:47 16:21 52:10 Nicole Heffernan 1624 50:51 16:22 52:14 Renee Heffron 5420 47:18 15:14 53:14 Jeannine Helen 4850 37:40 12:08 43:13 Fiona Hemingway 772 34:15 11:02 35:23 Fiona Hemmer 823 26:58 8:41 27:15 Kevin Hemmer 5342 26:58 8:41 27:15 Jill Hempen-Anthony 1525 31:29 10:08 32:01 Barbara Heng 5406 52:55 17:02 57:24 Aria Heng-Sao 526 52:47 17:00 57:16 Jasmin Henriquez 4790 42:33 13:42 45:46 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 22 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Siobhan Henry 4562 48:03 15:28 48:58 Geanina Hent 5722 1:01:01 19:39 1:04:18 Yeun Heo 394 46:06 14:51 46:45 Mislynn Herard 696 39:33 12:44 41:45 Leona Herba 1347 43:38 14:03 44:11 Amiah Hernandez 507 43:46 14:06 47:59 Anna Hernandez 615 58:08 18:43 59:09 Anya Hernandez 271 37:35 12:06 39:10 Eileen Hernandez 1297 47:34 15:19 52:13 Jezabel Hernandez 426 51:00 16:25 54:45 Luz Hernandez 5442 55:57 18:01 58:02 Malvin Hernandez 4755 37:37 12:07 43:34 Maria Hernandez 5225 58:55 18:58 1:03:09 Rosa Hernandez 5006 1:07:44 21:48 1:12:28 Samantha Hernandez 1256 58:50 18:56 1:03:04 Susan Hernandez 783 1:00:27 19:28 1:02:52 Tiesha Hernandez 5114 50:33 16:16 56:48 Rosemary Hernandez Nolas 314 42:27 13:40 43:02 Akhirah Hernandez-Steven 1055 55:58 18:01 58:02 Abby Herold 580 40:02 12:54 41:58 Katy Herold 4703 40:02 12:54 41:58 Samuel Herrera 4827 50:19 16:12 52:44 Lindsey Herscovici 4488 31:58 10:18 32:24 Mara Herscovici 1014 29:09 9:23 29:34 Isis Hiche 4675 59:31 19:10 1:02:05 Charlotte Hickey 358 44:45 14:24 45:27 Ruya Hickey 697 35:32 11:27 37:20 Ryan Hickey 5515 35:32 11:27 37:20 Timothy Hickey 4764 44:45 14:24 45:27 Ireland Hicks 1625 49:12 15:50 50:32 Shantel Hidalgo 1528 59:07 19:02 1:02:27 Bianca Hilaire 992 45:37 14:41 47:39 Qiana Hill 91 1:02:26 20:06 1:09:05 Valery Hillier 1759 56:09 18:05 57:38 Zylaah Hill-Reid 133 1:02:13 20:02 1:06:38 Josh Hilton 5018 48:21 15:34 53:57 Sara Hinchey 1732 1:00:48 19:34 1:02:59 Megan Hines 1597 49:59 16:06 52:01 Zoey Hinton 678 35:30 11:26 36:13 Tejindervir Hiran 5214 52:13 16:49 53:19 Arya Hirani 1396 49:57 16:05 53:49 Clare Hoadley 1281 29:52 9:37 30:25 Matthew Hoadley 4910 29:53 9:37 30:25 Ruby Hoang 901 1:00:54 19:37 1:06:47 Hallie Hodgson 804 51:35 16:36 54:34 Holden Hodgson 5138 51:34 16:36 54:33 Jewel Hoeun 4607 33:59 10:57 35:39 Amanda Hoey 5040 1:02:51 20:14 1:05:20 McKenzie Holak 1397 51:07 16:28 55:07 Olivia Holcombe 5011 46:14 14:53 49:18 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 23 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Payton Holland 1167 47:21 15:15 52:39 Kristen Homan 1877 45:21 14:36 52:02 Catherine Hommel 1737 30:52 9:56 33:49 Athena Hood 508 51:17 16:31 51:52 Damien Hood 5004 51:16 16:31 51:52 Marianely Horton 4722 55:34 17:53 59:21 Aoife Houston 1036 34:54 11:14 35:43 Sela-Mia Howard 773 29:57 9:39 31:05 Rae Hoyt 957 35:28 11:25 35:38 Yasmina Hsieh 958 33:24 10:46 33:34 Julee Huffstutler 1700 28:10 9:04 34:37 Dayana Huisha 30 49:01 15:47 52:00 Tania Hummel 1679 25:33 8:14 26:56 Lillianna Humphreys 1358 1:03:11 20:21 1:07:56 Anna Hur 805 29:36 9:32 30:01 Charlotte Husid 351 30:27 9:48 30:52 Kelly Husid 5518 30:29 9:49 30:54 Van Huynh 4794 53:27 17:12 59:04 Holly Hynes 5321 32:35 10:30 38:17 Giovanna Iacadoro 359 55:37 17:54 59:52 John Iacadoro 5133 55:38 17:55 59:52 Anne Idelson 4657 33:57 10:56 36:27 Penny Idelson 1015 33:39 10:50 36:10 Osahenrumwen Idubor 161 48:42 15:41 53:34 Aramide Ilori 395 50:41 16:19 52:53 Titilayo Ilori 5127 51:02 16:26 53:14 Emelia Imperati 1926 46:49 15:05 52:05 Jeannie Imul 5243 44:51 14:27 45:25 Ayaka Inamoto 716 43:28 14:00 44:04 Masataka Inamoto 4853 43:29 14:00 44:05 David Inozil 5264 46:52 15:05 48:07 Yohanna Ipus 4618 42:46 13:46 44:59 Celia Ivanov 1771 39:28 12:42 42:47 Natalia Ivanov 936 39:26 12:42 42:46 Courtney Jackson 5601 55:46 17:57 1:01:51 Karen Jacobson 4584 32:45 10:33 34:57 Rielly Jagmohan 1168 32:52 10:35 32:52 Mihlani Jaime 509 49:53 16:04 53:38 Walter Jaime 4922 49:52 16:04 53:36 Adrianna Jaimes 239 44:36 14:22 50:07 Andy Jaimes 5815 36:11 11:39 41:43 Kayla Jarry 482 33:10 10:41 33:37 Janique Jean 1568 48:37 15:39 53:38 Jennica Jean 839 50:50 16:22 55:24 Millie Jean Baptiste 972 58:23 18:48 1:02:47 Sephora Jean Baptiste 993 54:15 17:28 56:43 Sephora Jean Baptiste (B 5808 54:15 17:28 56:44 Catiana Jean-Pierre 4536 46:43 15:02 46:45 Jenusha Jegatheeswaran 272 41:19 13:18 42:54 Abebe Jemberie 4798 44:32 14:20 48:54 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 24 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Tsiona Jemberie 1257 44:32 14:20 48:53 Amayah Jimenez 1120 50:08 16:09 52:40 Yoseni Jimenez 1121 50:10 16:09 53:57 Kate-Leah Joassaint 1375 45:15 14:34 50:18 Markendy Joassaint 5274 45:17 14:35 50:20 Danielle Johns 4959 35:28 11:25 35:38 Aaliyah Johnson 289 48:49 15:43 52:39 Lydia Johnson 774 36:57 11:54 37:15 Sarah Johnson 5002 36:57 11:54 37:16 Sofia Johnson 775 42:00 13:31 43:22 Aidan Johnston 4995 34:34 11:08 39:35 Leila Johnston 1149 34:35 11:08 39:35 Queendiamond Joly 1204 46:32 14:59 46:35 Alexandra Jones 1529 42:42 13:45 44:36 Morgan Jones 1150 39:07 12:36 39:38 Steve Jones 4572 39:07 12:36 39:38 Tynisha Jones 1832 50:09 16:09 55:04 Alexander Jorge 4911 49:27 15:55 51:36 Alexi Jorge 785 49:27 15:55 51:37 Christian Jorge 5217 31:12 10:03 31:13 Gregory Joseph 5621 50:20 16:12 54:46 Niyarah Joseph 945 26:48 8:38 26:52 Rose Joseph 5619 50:20 16:12 54:46 Sophia Joseph 181 50:18 16:12 54:45 Jessica Joshi Musyaju 4649 44:24 14:18 47:53 Ava Joyce 648 32:13 10:22 37:32 Cecelia Joyce 616 46:12 14:53 49:04 Emily Joyce 649 27:50 8:58 33:08 Julie Joyce 5146 46:28 14:58 49:19 Patrick Joyce 5340 32:13 10:22 37:31 Zoey Kahuria 840 47:27 15:17 53:25 Karen Kalita 5000 41:33 13:23 44:27 Nora Kalita 1016 41:27 13:21 44:20 Ella Kalu 1169 46:07 14:51 47:05 Nny Kalu 4637 53:27 17:13 54:27 Yusuf Kalule 4964 40:18 12:59 42:32 Benson Kamau 5814 46:09 14:51 53:14 Jennifer Kanyugi 5124 58:10 18:44 59:12 Alexa Kapogiannatos 1398 44:58 14:29 49:21 Carol Kappel 5625 38:32 12:24 39:33 Natania Karori 841 35:24 11:24 39:21 Anahita Karthikeyan 888 43:17 13:56 48:16 Karthikeyan Karunanidhi 4539 43:21 13:58 48:20 Kristina Karzon Hernande 4493 55:56 18:01 58:01 Kristen Kasper 5251 42:38 13:44 43:44 Cora Kaufman 110 33:25 10:46 37:23 Joe Kayser 5282 35:38 11:28 37:44 David Kearney 4490 44:48 14:26 50:09 Vicka Kearney 1057 44:50 14:26 50:10 Jane Kearns 5218 50:00 16:06 54:56 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 25 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Lydia Kechley 111 30:27 9:48 32:13 Isabella Kelley 1135 54:01 17:23 56:18 Laura Kelley 1859 40:47 13:08 44:21 Martha Kembabazi 698 30:18 9:46 30:24 Beverly Kendall 1017 43:29 14:00 45:57 Bryan Kendall 4602 43:29 14:00 45:57 Alan Kennedy 5359 33:26 10:46 34:45 Julianne Kennedy 1620 37:04 11:56 37:25 Nell Kennedy 290 34:10 11:00 34:38 Isadora Kessler 1205 38:50 12:30 39:30 Melanie Kessler 4513 38:51 12:31 39:28 Jacinda Khemraj 699 56:53 18:19 59:53 Gwendolyn Kibbe 5070 53:42 17:17 53:51 Simon Kidanemariam 4749 50:33 16:16 53:12 Alice Kim 1590 37:29 12:04 41:02 Marie Kim 249 37:28 12:04 41:01 Raphaela (Seoyo Kim 396 44:05 14:12 46:18 Beatrix Kimball 360 40:43 13:07 41:32 Lucas Kimball 5120 40:49 13:09 41:38 Kyra Kimber 1318 45:06 14:31 51:48 Caroline King 1414 1:01:22 19:45 1:06:12 Hannah King 1920 1:01:24 19:46 1:06:13 Meagan King 1901 1:08:06 21:55 1:08:06 Onyx Kingori 5024 43:24 13:58 45:54 Winnie Kingori 510 43:23 13:58 45:53 Annie Kingsley 210 39:19 12:40 43:00 Lisa Kingsley 1573 39:20 12:40 43:01 Melissa Kirby 1626 49:12 15:51 50:32 Diane Kisiel 1893 55:38 17:55 59:49 Danielle Kisseberth 4611 50:34 16:17 53:11 Jalaa Knight 193 50:39 16:18 51:12 Kiley Knott 1542 53:44 17:18 1:00:00 Audrey Koczela 1743 40:20 12:59 40:38 Rosalie Koczela 824 40:20 12:59 40:37 Caroline Koenig 1549 37:32 12:05 39:12 Madison Koenigsbauer 1074 54:03 17:24 59:46 Ruth Koenigsbauer 1801 54:03 17:24 59:46 Richard Koigi 4975 40:14 12:57 45:30 Laura Kondrat 5160 53:43 17:18 1:00:04 Aimee Konieczny 4552 52:28 16:54 53:16 Sage Koperniak 871 29:28 9:29 29:58 Sloane Korn 459 35:22 11:23 41:03 Caroline Kovacs 1827 34:20 11:03 39:21 Alessandra Krische 1319 44:45 14:24 48:29 Ariel Krische 5113 44:43 14:24 48:28 Hayden Kritzman 1037 26:34 8:33 26:46 Christine Kroells 4705 39:45 12:48 41:14 Katharina Kroells 581 39:45 12:48 41:14 Lila Kubica 1018 34:29 11:06 36:38 Robert Kubica 5085 34:29 11:06 36:37 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 26 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Kris Kujawski 5809 36:26 11:44 42:02 Eleanor Kullmann 1462 35:47 11:31 35:54 Cassandra Kunkle 1889 49:07 15:49 54:19 Elizabeth Kurtz 1543 40:47 13:08 47:11 Claire Kwak 397 45:56 14:47 47:40 Gia Kwak 398 41:36 13:24 43:52 Taekyoung Kwak 4600 45:57 14:48 47:41 Eugene Kwon 4578 46:07 14:51 46:45 Emma Lacascia 1927 51:03 16:26 56:27 Giana Lacedra 5438 46:21 14:56 47:04 Marianna Lafferty 5191 39:35 12:45 40:55 Erica Lafortune 4965 42:33 13:42 46:30 Gracey Lambert 916 43:24 13:59 44:14 Susan Lambert 4925 43:22 13:58 44:13 Pierre Richard Lamerique 5239 40:41 13:06 41:22 Aarabhi Lamichhane 1494 53:08 17:06 1:00:20 Christine Lamichhane 5362 36:39 11:48 38:39 Maya Lamichhane 291 33:01 10:38 34:53 Jennifer Lammers Carrill 5193 54:04 17:24 1:00:26 Brigitte Lamontagne 5192 49:11 15:50 55:21 Krista Lamontagne 1612 43:38 14:03 44:08 Paige Lamontagne-Heston 1104 49:08 15:49 55:17 Francesca Lamorique 730 40:41 13:06 41:22 Natalie Lang 1718 27:13 8:46 27:21 Zoe Langosy 5259 53:20 17:10 58:50 Lauren Lanseigne 1592 42:24 13:39 48:30 Barret Laplante 1779 32:57 10:37 34:14 Paulina Lapre 1445 1:00:49 19:35 1:06:15 Gefranny Lara 4760 44:32 14:20 46:08 Manuel Lara 4843 53:15 17:09 55:43 Skylee Lara 511 53:13 17:08 55:41 Coretta Lau 1526 39:55 12:51 44:31 Chloe Laub 806 27:46 8:57 28:11 Serena Lau-Brazell 1865 48:58 15:46 53:48 Annalisa Laughlin 73 40:05 12:55 41:05 Olivia Laughlin 1816 1:03:18 20:23 1:05:45 Abby Lauture 5056 40:47 13:08 44:12 Olivia Lauture 1258 40:46 13:08 44:13 Elizabeth Lavasta 5588 54:58 17:42 59:16 Cheryl Lavoie 5521 49:48 16:02 52:50 Katherine Lavoie 483 49:43 16:01 52:46 Adonijah Lawrence 5645 40:26 13:01 42:48 Sol Lawrence 273 49:54 16:04 51:56 Caroline Le Bouteiller 4926 27:44 8:56 27:54 Lindsay Leach 4656 35:10 11:19 36:29 Teagan Leach 1019 34:51 11:13 36:10 Maria Eduarda Leal 752 43:53 14:08 47:18 Devyn Leary Glover 825 40:33 13:04 46:46 Lucy Leavitt 1348 56:14 18:06 1:00:16 Celestine Lecarme 1151 43:04 13:52 45:05 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 27 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Jaleeah Ledesma 512 46:58 15:07 52:47 Alexis Lee 1090 35:04 11:18 35:24 Carol Lee 4810 35:05 11:18 35:26 Changhee Lee 5707 32:25 10:26 32:50 D.J. Lee 4576 38:33 12:25 41:14 Dana Lee 484 36:51 11:52 37:28 Jooyoung Lee 4569 44:04 14:11 46:17 Julia Lee 5511 39:32 12:44 41:44 Kaoru Lee 4548 36:52 11:52 37:29 Lang Lee 807 53:58 17:23 56:29 Olivia Lee 399 39:31 12:43 41:43 Sumi Lee 808 32:24 10:26 32:49 Youngjin Lee 4570 38:47 12:29 41:27 Yujin (Jennie) Lee 595 38:20 12:20 41:10 Yuju (Jenna) Lee 410 38:43 12:28 41:22 Yuna Lee 460 42:05 13:33 44:01 Sui Lee-Arteaga 4866 36:29 11:45 37:54 Jared Leeds 5298 49:05 15:48 55:38 Marlo Leeds 1433 52:50 17:01 59:23 Minna Leeds 1434 49:04 15:48 55:37 Madison Legare 1058 38:31 12:24 39:32 Valbona Leka 1712 47:05 15:10 48:48 Angiely Lemus 903 1:00:54 19:36 1:06:44 Milena Lengyel 211 39:01 12:34 40:18 Anya Lepp 4946 51:41 16:38 56:50 Vivian Lepp-Worley 16 51:43 16:39 56:52 Matthew Lerret 5234 55:41 17:56 57:23 Nayah Leruche 732 56:29 18:11 58:04 Nayah Leruche 733 1:12:39 23:23 1:12:39 Bianca Lessard 1733 50:44 16:20 53:27 Brielle Lestage 1091 33:38 10:50 33:42 Deborah Levine 1828 43:42 14:04 50:55 Riley Levitt 400 45:39 14:42 46:24 Jason Levy 4651 36:07 11:38 37:37 Mabel Levy 1020 36:07 11:38 37:37 Adam Lewis 4808 41:23 13:20 47:17 Elsie Lewis 1334 41:38 13:24 47:16 Eliza L'Heureux 1550 39:59 12:53 41:54 Anna Li 937 37:15 12:00 38:34 Sizhu Li 5534 40:47 13:08 42:07 Lia Lia Aquino 140 51:14 16:30 55:17 Cady Liang 904 54:40 17:36 1:00:27 Natalie Lieberman 809 52:20 16:51 55:15 Julia Lindenberg 4580 45:43 14:43 46:30 Mary Lindholm 1544 44:52 14:27 51:10 Sharon Lipman 1551 43:46 14:06 46:16 Kimbella Lipomi 1359 58:21 18:47 1:02:36 Laney Litchfield 1282 40:55 13:11 45:19 Tricia Litchfield 5158 41:17 13:18 45:42 Joshua Littenberg-Tobias 4960 40:56 13:11 44:00 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 28 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Stella Littenberg-Tobias 212 40:56 13:11 44:01 Delaney Littrell 1283 53:14 17:08 59:35 Yihan Liu 4774 47:53 15:25 54:00 Amie Locke 4835 48:01 15:27 54:35 Remi Locke 1415 47:55 15:26 54:29 Amiya Lon 561 52:51 17:01 54:33 John Lonardelli 4861 36:08 11:38 39:48 Maya Londono 1206 52:28 16:54 53:17 Charlotte Long 994 45:36 14:41 47:39 Olive Long 1207 28:29 9:10 28:32 Timothy Long 5116 28:32 9:11 28:35 Valerie Longo-Boudrow 1913 57:36 18:33 1:02:48 Elizabeth Looney 1787 58:26 18:49 1:02:50 Joaopaulo Lopes 5587 28:05 9:03 28:11 Myahlise Lopes 632 36:33 11:46 36:33 Arminda Lopez 4754 39:29 12:43 45:25 Kailly Lopez 5021 52:30 16:54 56:50 Soleidy Lopez 5266 51:06 16:27 53:31 Mirsi Lopez Sandoval 1299 47:51 15:24 52:23 Candice Lorette 1697 37:54 12:12 40:28 Desiree Loveless 5230 55:02 17:43 58:55 Nevele Loveless 513 54:53 17:40 58:48 Lisa Lowe 1871 36:14 11:40 39:00 Jennifer Lowrey 5278 47:30 15:18 53:29 Olivia Lowrey 1075 47:25 15:16 53:25 Ana Lu Za 633 33:19 10:44 33:19 Eden Luaula 331 50:13 16:10 54:04 Patrick Luaula 4991 50:15 16:11 54:07 Adalee Lucas 5403 59:45 19:14 1:02:38 Melissa Lucia 617 53:59 17:23 59:10 Melissa Lucia 1692 54:03 17:24 59:14 Abigail Luke 361 34:30 11:06 34:52 Elizabeth Lukegord 5052 38:29 12:23 44:01 Maya Lukegord 1272 38:29 12:23 44:01 Isabelle Lussier 872 56:10 18:05 57:38 Cady Lyons 651 26:02 8:23 26:06 Katherine Lyons 1601 33:01 10:38 34:53 Paul Lyons 5338 26:02 8:23 26:07 Avery MacDonald 905 55:40 17:55 1:01:45 Leigh MacDonald 4553 41:31 13:22 42:21 Shelby MacDonald 1038 41:19 13:18 42:10 Sandy Mace 1768 46:27 14:57 47:35 Madison Mack 4658 37:21 12:02 38:28 Kimberly MacKay 5329 37:19 12:01 38:12 Emily Madden 1463 43:36 14:02 50:39 Robin Madden 5711 43:35 14:02 50:40 Emma Madding 485 27:01 8:42 27:04 Shari Maestre 4692 37:35 12:06 40:03 Jackson Maffeo 5323 42:46 13:46 46:58 Angelina Magnisalis 1399 57:33 18:32 1:01:16 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 29 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Tina Magnisalis 5058 57:33 18:32 1:01:17 Erin Maguire 4974 44:47 14:25 49:16 Marlee Maguire 74 44:46 14:25 49:15 Shelby Maguire 1092 22:00 7:05 22:02 Kelly Mahalik 1725 47:58 15:27 50:04 Omai Mai 5112 44:46 14:25 48:30 Aubrey Maida 250 36:40 11:48 40:14 Rebecca Maida 5164 36:40 11:48 40:14 Izzy Maiurano 486 44:44 14:24 46:23 Lauren Maiurano 5033 44:45 14:25 46:23 Daniela Maldonado 4940 45:43 14:43 48:11 Yaritza Maldonado 41 46:40 15:02 49:54 Macie Malone 1400 51:43 16:39 56:52 Amy Maloney 4761 37:52 12:11 38:25 Sunny Manhertz 4614 35:48 11:32 41:57 Kathleen Manning 5068 35:23 11:24 36:03 Marisa Manning 1208 35:22 11:23 36:03 Emily Manning-Mingle 1647 39:05 12:35 41:02 Helena Mansur Mendes Per 734 1:12:39 23:23 1:12:39 Maria Mar A Antonia Zapa 906 55:53 18:00 1:01:47 Anne Marcklinger 5624 31:01 9:59 31:28 Camila Marine 787 44:25 14:18 46:02 Nicholas Markos 4645 41:42 13:26 44:32 Leannis Marmol 1376 1:07:36 21:46 1:12:19 Linda Marquez 1817 50:11 16:09 53:58 Shawna Marsan 5709 54:29 17:33 54:53 Sydney Marsan 917 54:25 17:31 54:49 Elina Mart Nez Yanes 735 56:09 18:05 56:50 Alicia Marte 918 50:02 16:07 51:11 Edwin Marte 5221 50:01 16:06 51:10 Alison Martin 4748 28:50 9:17 28:52 Ayva Martin 679 40:43 13:07 41:38 Dakota Martin 304 38:07 12:17 39:13 Erin Martin 4789 43:25 13:59 50:14 Layla Martin 1377 43:25 13:59 50:14 Matilda Martin 1039 28:51 9:17 28:51 Nancy Martin 4999 48:13 15:32 52:36 Stacey Martin 5209 49:18 15:52 50:24 Anne Martineau 890 43:55 14:08 47:29 Isaac Martineau 5126 43:55 14:09 47:29 Rose Martinek 652 37:13 11:59 38:05 Abigail Martinez 907 47:35 15:19 53:36 Diana Martinez 634 41:18 13:18 41:21 Emerie Martinez 401 41:36 13:24 43:52 Emylianny Martinez 92 31:39 10:12 33:47 Fanny Martinez 5813 40:09 12:56 43:54 Lexani Martinez 1378 31:13 10:03 31:13 Lorely Martinez 1833 1:12:48 23:26 1:12:48 Norma Martinez 5237 47:34 15:19 53:36 Xavier Martinez 5216 31:13 10:03 31:13 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 30 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Ruby Martinez Cruz 461 43:26 13:59 43:55 Hadley Martinson 1093 24:48 7:59 24:50 Jasmine Martis 446 38:59 12:33 39:14 Jordyn Martis 5028 38:55 12:32 39:10 Julia Martone 5620 34:15 11:02 35:24 Michael Marzelli 1635 51:39 16:38 55:21 Sarafina Masse 1182 47:55 15:26 53:30 Jakob Mastalerz 4519 43:39 14:03 49:23 Adrianna Masucci 4 35:47 11:31 41:57 Andrew Mather 5143 34:26 11:05 38:06 Sabrina Mather 213 34:26 11:05 38:07 Cora Mathison 1021 27:40 8:55 28:43 Laura Mathison 5066 27:40 8:55 28:43 Cesar Matos 5244 46:14 14:53 50:34 Idalia Matul 5245 26:43 8:36 26:46 Heather Matulewicz 1843 44:24 14:18 51:21 Melissa Maturama 1349 49:06 15:49 54:18 Lusmila Mauricio 427 41:37 13:24 44:15 Manuel Mauricio 5436 41:38 13:24 44:15 Joanna Mavrogiannis 4759 47:37 15:20 51:02 Louisa Maxwell 5520 34:13 11:01 35:12 Kate Mayes 1764 55:27 17:51 1:01:55 Lindsey Mazza 1536 31:26 10:07 33:45 Peter Mburu 5076 57:54 18:39 1:02:28 Kevin McAndrews 5343 35:41 11:30 38:14 Rylin McAndrews 826 35:40 11:29 38:12 Arden McAuliffe 1335 45:30 14:39 51:06 Cecily McCabe 995 45:37 14:41 47:39 Evelyn McCarthy 1224 46:55 15:06 53:46 Lindsay McCarthy 1853 46:54 15:06 53:46 Sora McCarty 352 34:16 11:02 34:37 Aurora McComiskey 528 48:29 15:37 52:57 Colleen McCormack 1648 43:25 13:59 43:55 Myla McCutchen 376 43:09 13:54 44:22 Emily McDaid 4511 37:02 11:56 37:36 Grace McDaid 1209 37:02 11:55 37:36 Jessica McDevitt 5424 42:25 13:40 45:13 Layla McDevitt 1105 42:24 13:39 45:13 Maddy McDevitt 1106 42:25 13:39 45:12 Paige McDonnell 4515 46:06 14:51 48:02 Dorothea McGee 141 1:00:18 19:25 1:08:48 Lauren McGonagle 5036 53:27 17:12 59:04 Kathleen McGourthy 1860 54:08 17:26 1:00:53 Merritt McGowan 5099 40:55 13:11 45:22 Roselie McGowan 1285 40:46 13:08 45:15 Sarah McGowan 5519 40:15 12:58 40:56 Jane McGrath 5038 45:48 14:45 52:53 Alexa McInvaille 1680 45:47 14:45 47:51 Annie McKenna 1336 45:31 14:39 51:05 Maeve McKenna 1337 34:39 11:09 40:18 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 31 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Matt McKenna 4820 34:29 11:06 40:18 Emily McKinnon 1762 46:44 15:03 49:49 Maggie McKinnon 891 46:45 15:03 49:49 Faye McLaughlin 1401 45:56 14:47 51:22 Ashley McLeod 4901 53:54 17:21 57:55 Jen McNamara 1802 36:28 11:45 42:09 Kara McNamara 5169 41:04 13:13 45:23 Charlotte McNerney 582 47:16 15:13 48:42 Hayden McNerney 4706 47:17 15:14 48:43 Erin McOsker 4819 40:32 13:03 45:59 Megan McShane 1890 48:25 15:36 53:52 Ava Mead 1022 37:21 12:02 38:28 Adelaide Meade 1076 36:27 11:44 42:08 Mary Beth Meade 4858 36:27 11:44 42:09 Alessandra Medina 5166 43:57 14:09 47:24 Janelly Medina 5030 38:52 12:31 39:04 Esther Medrano-Palmer 1210 49:17 15:52 49:23 Mia Mego 596 37:14 11:59 43:41 Asha Mehta 241 38:50 12:30 39:28 Daryush Mehta 4881 38:49 12:30 39:28 Alanie Mejia 182 44:46 14:25 45:34 Amelia Mejia 680 42:42 13:45 43:45 Channel Mejia 5003 1:04:45 20:51 1:06:18 Jeanny Mejia 5101 1:04:48 20:52 1:06:21 Luis Mejia 4963 53:01 17:04 57:09 Muny Mejia 4962 53:03 17:05 57:09 Shirley Mejia 5132 47:31 15:18 49:10 Sofia Mejia 843 52:59 17:03 57:05 Kara Mejia Milander 1183 44:24 14:18 51:20 Whitney Melay 134 51:05 16:27 53:24 Hector Melendez 4734 39:54 12:51 45:47 Juliana Melendez 1402 47:29 15:17 51:22 Iasiri Mariana Melendez 583 39:54 12:51 45:47 Patrick Melly 4502 35:35 11:28 35:48 Rachel Melly 919 29:30 9:30 29:42 Elena Melon 75 44:37 14:22 51:17 Lia Melon 4780 48:20 15:34 55:02 Ava Mendes 975 49:57 16:05 54:47 Cheska Mendes 4638 32:53 10:36 32:53 Damian Mendes 5429 49:57 16:05 54:46 Aaliyah Mendez 736 1:02:55 20:15 1:06:17 Antonio Mendez 4952 1:02:55 20:15 1:06:17 Heidy Mendez 5523 41:20 13:19 42:33 Inayaiz Mendez 5115 48:39 15:40 52:34 Leah Mendez 514 48:39 15:40 52:34 Mariana Mendonca 996 44:24 14:18 47:02 Mandiny Mentor 183 42:12 13:35 47:50 Brendan Merchant 5325 33:55 10:55 34:47 Catherine Merchant 653 33:55 10:55 34:48 Lindsey Merchant 5326 35:06 11:18 36:00 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 32 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Christie Mercuri 4610 55:42 17:56 57:23 Lorelayn Merida Guzman 1184 46:27 14:57 51:17 Victoria Merino 5319 37:42 12:09 41:43 Aoife Merry 1848 33:36 10:49 33:38 Emma Messier 1302 38:14 12:19 38:47 Graham Messier 4864 38:14 12:19 38:47 Giana Metellus 608 46:14 14:53 47:46 Julissa Meza 5078 58:51 18:57 1:05:03 Kristin Mielcarz 1534 31:30 10:09 33:12 Yanibel Miguel Pena 529 40:15 12:58 43:18 Elektra Mihalos 1273 47:34 15:19 50:59 Konstantina Mihalos 4758 47:36 15:20 51:02 Zo Mikel 195 37:22 12:02 37:32 Moriah Mikhail 5281 59:07 19:02 1:02:25 Tori Milano 1723 55:42 17:56 57:23 Grace Miller 113 34:17 11:02 36:04 Katie Miller 4489 28:28 9:10 29:12 Mendy Miller 4846 56:06 18:04 59:12 Angela Millien 1259 51:35 16:36 58:13 Eleanor Mishuris 227 47:26 15:16 49:24 Sophia Misse 1237 45:06 14:31 49:56 Vanessa Misse 4857 45:06 14:31 49:56 Ankit Mistry 5526 47:53 15:25 48:08 Ms. Banate Mistry 920 47:19 15:14 47:33 Elena Mitchell 4751 49:00 15:47 53:19 Emyah Mitchell 184 48:58 15:46 53:17 Katherine Mitchell 5347 52:10 16:48 56:40 Orli Mito 487 1:00:38 19:31 1:03:55 Yael Mito 5111 1:00:35 19:30 1:03:55 Fatima Mohammed 316 37:54 12:12 42:40 Marlise Molina Barrera 1481 42:28 13:40 47:38 Allizon Moncada Torres 1495 38:44 12:28 45:26 Jon Monson 5365 30:01 9:40 30:27 Romy Monson 1065 30:01 9:40 30:27 Camila Montañez 1552 56:56 18:20 59:16 Nicole Sophia Montealegr 333 49:08 15:49 49:31 Skylar Montes Santiago 428 40:55 13:11 44:40 Sofia Monzon 275 36:04 11:37 37:38 Angelique Moody 547 47:16 15:13 53:48 Eric Moore 5069 39:27 12:42 42:00 Jamie Moore 5313 30:02 9:40 31:32 Megan Moore 114 30:02 9:40 31:32 Melissa Moore 1939 38:54 12:32 38:54 Daniella Moquete 429 50:31 16:16 55:34 Kris Moquin 5350 30:51 9:56 32:48 Mikayla Moquin 292 30:51 9:56 32:48 Josmary Mora 31 47:28 15:17 49:22 Camila Morais 4514 48:49 15:43 53:02 Jade Morales 142 41:07 13:14 45:02 Jose Morales 5148 41:08 13:15 45:03 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 33 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Stacy Morales 1338 44:40 14:23 49:32 Giuliana Morello 753 43:43 14:04 46:39 Deanna Moreno 946 55:44 17:57 55:50 Macy Moreno 754 47:57 15:26 50:04 Liah Morillo Mercedes 143 43:54 14:08 47:56 Jacquelyn Morin 4542 51:08 16:28 55:41 Michael Morris 1788 35:57 11:35 40:20 Molly Morris 4485 51:53 16:42 58:12 Nichole Morrow 4916 52:56 17:03 58:29 Mila Morse 873 45:21 14:36 46:14 Minone Morse 5130 45:23 14:37 46:15 Zinaya Moscat 788 50:00 16:06 50:39 Haley Moses 76 43:47 14:06 50:21 Yasmin Mota 755 43:53 14:08 47:19 Grace Motta 1416 47:57 15:26 54:31 Sarah Motta 5215 47:57 15:27 54:31 Kim Mougenel 5333 34:12 11:01 37:29 Sloane Mougenel 654 34:07 10:59 37:25 Theresa Moutafis 5136 43:29 14:00 43:59 Penelope Moya 334 39:57 12:52 41:36 Christian Moyer 4609 36:58 11:54 39:59 Scarlett Moyer 214 36:58 11:54 39:59 Moses Mujjawa 5505 50:08 16:08 54:33 Alayna Mulvey 378 50:20 16:12 52:10 Ava Mulvey 379 39:07 12:36 40:06 Brooklynn Mulvey 380 46:17 14:54 47:58 Gwen Mulvey 293 34:11 11:01 34:38 Rebecca Mulvey 5353 33:16 10:43 34:46 Elizabeth Mumm 5437 50:01 16:06 50:52 Isabella Munoz 1211 52:35 16:56 53:24 Ariella Muravyov 1152 39:56 12:52 45:59 Jasmin Muriel 5637 44:38 14:22 49:34 Katherine Murphy 1713 38:14 12:19 39:53 Mackenzie Murray 1380 49:02 15:47 54:05 Stacey Murray 5261 49:11 15:50 54:15 Saina Musyaju 756 44:24 14:18 47:53 Salina Musyaju 4518 44:24 14:18 47:53 Marcy Muzykewicz 5065 48:31 15:37 51:53 Justine Myers 1574 34:26 11:05 35:40 Rayna Myers 215 34:26 11:05 35:40 Mark Myrthil 5441 47:37 15:20 54:09 Mariyah Nabeel 1212 32:38 10:30 32:44 Izumi Nagahara 115 39:59 12:53 41:55 Hanshika Naidu 1403 44:34 14:21 48:18 Abigail Najarian 1466 45:35 14:41 52:35 Megan Najarian 5528 45:36 14:41 52:36 Ava Najem 77 41:41 13:25 44:32 Layla Najem 78 32:39 10:31 33:07 Janat Nakalule 4592 45:12 14:33 45:19 Sheilah Nakalule 947 51:19 16:31 51:23 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 34 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Britta Naragon 116 31:05 10:01 31:57 R. Naragon 5316 31:05 10:01 31:57 Susan Nathan 5291 51:19 16:31 58:11 Bolo Ndiaye 135 1:02:12 20:01 1:06:38 Jedidah Ndungu 5277 51:00 16:25 55:34 David Needham 4773 56:29 18:11 1:00:37 McKenna Needham 874 56:30 18:11 1:00:37 Ana Cecilia Neres 530 48:47 15:43 53:01 Maria Eduarda Neres 531 48:45 15:42 52:58 Courtney Nevers 1849 49:18 15:52 49:23 Fernanda Neves 4795 44:15 14:15 45:00 Mariana Neves 1260 44:08 14:13 44:53 Nicole Newman 5289 42:03 13:33 48:55 Julia Neyland 1928 1:00:48 19:35 1:06:14 Alida Nguyen 1261 49:14 15:51 52:48 Isabella Nguyen 1094 32:16 10:23 32:36 Khuong Nguyen 4801 32:17 10:24 32:37 Katlyn Nicholson 1667 47:18 15:14 53:50 Kassandra Nieves 4867 52:54 17:02 54:35 Anna Niewczas 1066 52:25 16:53 53:30 Monika Niewczas 5368 52:26 16:53 53:31 Madelyn Niland 363 28:12 9:05 28:29 Meghan Niland 1621 37:08 11:58 37:25 Elyon Gigi Nimako 1496 42:42 13:45 42:48 Jennifer Niz Lopez 1185 41:49 13:28 48:13 Jasmine Njenga 846 57:53 18:38 1:02:27 Liana Noel 597 41:53 13:29 48:18 Magaly Noel 5538 29:10 9:24 35:37 Brianna Nolasco 1304 47:55 15:26 52:20 Cora North 810 35:37 11:28 38:31 Krysten North 5704 35:38 11:28 38:31 Ally Nova 1719 29:53 9:37 30:01 Kioneelyz Nunez 562 46:29 14:58 53:12 Marlene Nunez 4635 43:48 14:06 47:58 Stacy Nunez 790 1:00:50 19:35 1:03:01 Jayberlin Nunez Melo 335 52:45 16:59 1:01:42 Jessica Nussbaum 1575 57:58 18:40 1:01:41 Amara Nyahm 847 43:18 13:56 48:11 Jenkins Nyahn 5137 43:18 13:57 48:10 Alaina O’Brien 827 43:52 14:07 47:41 Jessica O’Connor 5279 29:28 9:29 29:58 Beth O’Keefe 5344 36:52 11:52 40:41 Cora O’Keefe 828 36:52 11:52 40:42 Jill O’Loughlin 4921 53:21 17:11 59:30 Priscilla Oaks 776 34:15 11:02 34:27 Elia Obiora 1170 47:22 15:15 52:40 Erin O'Brien 1593 46:23 14:56 52:27 Khiana O'Brien 1482 53:43 17:18 59:22 Emilia Ocalagan-Brown 253 53:06 17:06 56:25 Kaho Ochi 717 28:18 9:07 28:25 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 35 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Gabriella O'Connell 1339 36:24 11:43 42:00 Shelagh O'Connell 1537 44:46 14:25 49:16 Sydney O'Conner 5414 42:23 13:39 47:18 Chelsea Oge 462 39:13 12:38 41:03 Leah Okimoto 5471 35:03 11:17 39:11 Kathryn O'Leary 5057 45:06 14:31 49:23 Heather Olins 5352 40:56 13:11 44:47 Elizabeth Oliveira 276 41:33 13:23 42:25 Emma Oliveri 1404 51:53 16:42 58:12 Oona O'Mahony 598 29:54 9:38 36:30 Bryan Omahony 5063 29:52 9:37 36:31 Emmy O'Malley 655 37:31 12:05 38:29 Vincent O'Malley 5327 37:35 12:06 38:33 Ashley O'Mara 1731 42:01 13:32 43:24 Carter Omara 777 27:24 8:49 28:32 Ryan Omara 4935 27:25 8:50 28:33 Christine Ong 5318 39:32 12:44 40:20 Kurt Onofrey 4642 47:38 15:20 52:53 Penelope Onofrey 1171 47:39 15:21 52:53 Chimamanda Onwuazombe 162 45:51 14:46 50:42 April Opoliner 4729 45:38 14:42 52:28 Chloe Orcione 79 32:01 10:19 33:42 Jessica Orellana 4640 44:37 14:22 50:08 Sara Orenstein 1773 39:27 12:42 42:47 Cristal Ortega 1123 37:46 12:10 39:06 Isabella Ortega 463 33:03 10:39 35:24 Tania Ortega 4509 48:04 15:29 52:27 Abilynne Ortiz 430 1:01:30 19:48 1:03:47 Chloe Ortiz 1124 43:01 13:51 44:20 Kaylee Ortiz 1497 52:40 16:57 59:31 Perla Ortiz 5240 50:14 16:11 50:54 Sophia Ortiz 948 40:46 13:08 40:51 Ang Lica Ortiz Torres 584 45:47 14:45 47:51 Emily O'Shei 1914 52:02 16:45 56:23 Alan Osorio 4531 42:27 13:40 46:49 Alessi Osorio 1305 42:26 13:40 46:49 Margarita Ospino 5256 49:01 15:47 51:59 Victoria Ospino 1351 46:38 15:01 52:01 Katie Ouellette 1570 55:28 17:51 1:01:07 Susana Ovalle 144 47:17 15:13 51:20 Kacey Pacheco 791 1:00:27 19:28 1:02:52 Katty Pacheco 5425 41:18 13:18 41:21 Louise Pacheco 4949 46:34 15:00 47:08 Shae Pacheco 1213 46:31 14:59 47:04 Seamus Packer 5533 54:20 17:30 58:50 Kayliz Padilla 563 42:19 13:38 45:04 Adeline Page 464 33:04 10:39 35:25 Jens Page 5516 33:07 10:40 35:27 Olivia Pais 1381 55:33 17:53 59:27 Melanie Palacios Flores 1186 56:00 18:02 1:01:05 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 36 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Allison Paliotta 1554 27:49 8:58 32:59 Lorena Palma Escobar 1483 38:46 12:29 44:41 Kayla Pan 117 43:38 14:03 46:07 Nora Ann Papageorgiou 5232 53:50 17:20 55:08 Demetra Papaporfiriou 1467 47:01 15:08 53:04 Amanda Paquette 5407 48:30 15:37 52:58 Charlotte Paquin 1405 54:42 17:37 58:37 Sarah Pardus 1781 39:08 12:36 40:26 Sonia Parent 1734 50:44 16:20 53:28 Ally Park 4577 38:30 12:24 41:21 A.J. Parker 618 47:48 15:23 50:55 Anna Parker 5013 1:00:40 19:32 1:03:56 Meg Parker 5172 27:46 8:56 28:11 Jane Parkin Kullmann 5071 35:46 11:31 35:54 Stella Parlon 667 41:55 13:30 43:38 Stella Parlon 5643 42:01 13:32 43:43 Stephanie Paskievich 1520 43:46 14:06 49:58 Rachel Pasquale 1875 47:51 15:24 52:22 Joseph Passman 5009 48:16 15:32 54:54 Rachel Passman 600 48:15 15:32 54:53 Graciela Patane 1608 47:11 15:12 48:36 Mahi Patel 875 38:40 12:27 39:09 Katherine Patterson 1933 46:56 15:07 50:32 Elayna Paulo 1187 47:52 15:25 52:32 Abigail Pavelko 1557 1:06:01 21:15 1:10:26 Samuel Paxtor 4633 42:36 13:43 47:24 Rossemary Paxtor Guzman 1188 42:34 13:42 47:21 Jane Peachy 5615 54:04 17:24 56:20 Katherine Peacock 1904 48:31 15:37 50:17 Julianna Pech 635 56:37 18:14 1:01:09 Isaura Peguero 5227 44:48 14:26 51:12 Jocehilys Peguero Feliz 1189 44:07 14:12 48:45 Daisy Pena 681 40:05 12:54 41:05 Delilah Pena 682 41:05 13:14 41:58 Yacari Peña 5401 40:20 12:59 43:23 Abby Pendant 1484 52:27 16:53 57:38 Theresa Pendant 5086 52:27 16:53 57:38 Quinn Pendarvis 136 1:07:31 21:44 1:10:06 Yandry Peratta 447 44:57 14:28 45:11 Shantel Pereira 1749 35:27 11:25 39:24 Amalia Perez 757 50:37 16:18 56:45 Evelyn Perez 684 26:39 8:35 26:42 Jackeline Perez 4709 41:31 13:22 48:14 Jaycob Perez 4826 38:39 12:27 40:37 Mario Perez 5703 36:57 11:54 38:29 Melani Perez 317 53:50 17:20 55:08 Nicole Miranda Perez 1498 41:29 13:21 48:12 Rosa Perez 1673 45:28 14:39 46:00 Sofia Perez 609 36:54 11:53 38:26 Rosalina Perez Velasquez 4871 47:43 15:22 53:46 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 37 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Claudia Pesaturo 216 49:56 16:05 53:43 Kristen Pessa 1929 1:06:01 21:15 1:11:25 Lucy Peter 1067 41:48 13:28 42:51 Eliza Peters 1068 41:36 13:24 42:40 Penny Peters 1136 53:04 17:05 56:42 Will Peters 5366 41:48 13:27 42:51 Avery Peterson 1435 39:44 12:48 45:55 Brett Peterson 5293 39:44 12:48 45:55 Devan Peterson 1750 47:28 15:17 53:25 Melissa Peterson 5337 37:04 11:56 38:04 Ailey Petithomme 978 35:56 11:34 40:20 Karen Petrucelly-Springe 4561 1:08:25 22:01 1:10:02 Lauren Pettengill 1674 34:51 11:13 34:54 Dao Phan 5041 1:00:52 19:36 1:06:48 Abigail Phillips 1662 29:01 9:21 29:36 Margot Picard 601 43:25 13:59 50:00 Nora Pierre 1499 42:03 13:32 47:06 Sophia Pierre 1172 1:13:08 23:33 1:13:08 Jailiyah Lisset Pimentel 337 39:57 12:52 41:36 Julio Pinto 4742 47:07 15:10 52:07 Lilly Pirela 619 44:41 14:23 45:01 Daysi Plasencia 5803 50:36 16:18 56:44 Linda Platt 4841 39:40 12:46 42:51 Rebecca Platt 5315 32:29 10:28 34:07 Stella Platt 118 32:22 10:25 33:59 Amanda Plaza 1632 46:14 14:53 49:18 Carlos Plaza 5642 54:28 17:32 54:53 Leah Plaza 921 54:26 17:32 54:50 Amelia Ploude 922 53:29 17:13 54:39 Shannon Ploude 5144 53:30 17:13 54:39 Abigail Plouffe 1793 40:06 12:55 43:41 Arlet Pojoy Lopez 1306 55:32 17:53 1:00:07 Kamilah Polanco 448 46:34 15:00 46:49 Kathia Polanco 5032 46:34 15:00 46:49 Daniela Polanco Concepci 431 57:30 18:31 1:01:17 Aia Polansky 5618 33:31 10:48 33:38 Diane Pollard 4909 45:04 14:31 45:43 Cecilia Pompeo 217 47:26 15:16 51:07 Jessica Pompeo 4879 47:26 15:17 51:08 Genesis Ponce 909 42:45 13:46 44:59 Genesis Ponce 908 40:33 13:04 46:27 Sarah Poole 1675 52:54 17:02 56:32 Camilla Portillo 685 41:55 13:30 42:55 Carlos Portillo 4874 41:54 13:30 42:55 Genesis Posada 758 47:58 15:27 50:04 Violet Poverchuk 1340 40:34 13:04 46:01 Megan Powell 1855 37:00 11:55 43:50 Shannon Powers 5418 48:55 15:45 51:46 Tracey Pratt 1720 1:06:22 21:22 1:07:12 Marlow Prince 218 50:25 16:14 56:47 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 38 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Taelynn Prioleau 979 57:37 18:33 1:02:51 Brooke Prophete 1307 51:08 16:28 55:41 Ariani Prudencio 1383 52:18 16:50 57:24 Vitoria Prudencio 997 45:36 14:41 47:38 Abigael Puma 686 44:48 14:26 45:44 Genesis Puma 687 40:42 13:06 41:37 Catherine Purcell 5413 49:32 15:57 54:46 Lisa Putney 1915 49:58 16:05 53:49 Katie Pydynkowski 5419 42:17 13:37 43:43 Daniel Quiat 5705 41:36 13:24 43:01 Eve Quiat 811 42:23 13:39 43:47 Thayechalee Quiles 5402 44:51 14:27 50:11 Olivia Quilter 548 56:41 18:15 1:03:19 Courtney Quinn 4586 41:07 13:14 43:38 Krystal Quinn 1765 40:27 13:02 46:19 Kiomar Quinones 4844 50:21 16:13 52:12 McKenzie Quinton 829 45:36 14:41 47:23 Lena Quiroga 1352 51:57 16:44 57:37 Gilda Quisquinay 4862 45:23 14:37 49:29 Leor Radbil 5363 34:49 11:13 36:42 Lily Radbil 294 34:49 11:13 36:41 Kaylee Radulovic 718 34:33 11:07 35:15 Zeljko Radulovic 5602 34:34 11:08 35:16 Caroline Raffetto 656 27:15 8:46 27:24 Louis Raffetto 5339 27:16 8:47 27:24 Nisrine Rahhal-Safi 1613 55:30 17:52 55:30 Karen Raimo 4650 38:29 12:23 41:07 Aimee Ralto 4728 42:29 13:41 49:19 Ellie Ralto 1225 42:29 13:41 49:19 Felix Ramirez 4740 55:33 17:53 1:02:34 Jenny Ramirez 4723 33:19 10:44 33:48 Julia Ramirez 318 50:41 16:19 52:02 Wisleysi Ramirez 564 50:38 16:18 54:32 Sofia Ramirez Encarnacio 1190 55:34 17:53 1:02:34 Kamilah Ramirez Ortega 1308 48:03 15:28 52:28 Kimberly Ramos 5255 1:05:04 20:57 1:09:50 Hope Rapalje 1286 40:47 13:08 45:14 Lisa Rapalje 5100 40:55 13:11 45:22 Dahlia Ray 1320 35:50 11:32 41:32 Jazmine Recillas 1321 48:04 15:29 54:24 Nalyla Reddick Durham 145 53:23 17:11 55:31 Anabelle Redding 980 33:58 10:56 38:29 Tabitha Redding 5049 33:57 10:56 38:29 Alison Reed 4746 45:11 14:33 51:53 Lillian Reed 1274 51:56 16:43 57:56 Michael Reed 4792 51:58 16:44 57:58 Maggie Reedy 1530 41:59 13:31 44:58 Zara Refai 1153 1:12:32 23:21 1:12:32 Nancy Rego 5606 44:13 14:14 49:35 Natalia Rego 1468 44:13 14:14 49:35 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 39 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Emilia Reid 1485 56:51 18:18 1:00:05 Sarah Reid 4551 56:53 18:19 1:00:05 Kristen Reidy 5037 52:26 16:53 58:04 Ava Resendes 1361 44:29 14:19 49:21 Maria Resendes 5257 44:29 14:19 49:21 Amiyah Reyes 1362 1:03:12 20:21 1:07:56 Isabel Reyes 923 53:32 17:14 54:38 Naima Reyes 792 1:00:51 19:35 1:03:02 Susana Reyes 5016 1:00:32 19:29 1:02:58 Rakell Reyes Imul 1262 44:45 14:24 45:18 Corey Reynolds 4752 37:21 12:02 42:07 Amy Rezil 4591 46:42 15:02 51:28 Penelope Rezil 165 46:41 15:02 51:27 Akifah Rhythm 719 40:12 12:57 40:55 Neusa Ribeiro 4685 39:32 12:44 44:33 Aasiyah Ricaurte 963 32:56 10:36 34:14 Khadijah Ricaurte 964 35:14 11:21 36:31 Gabriel Ricci 4856 38:01 12:15 43:48 Evangelia ("evi Richards 277 48:39 15:40 48:44 Joy Richmond-Smith 5231 36:09 11:39 41:38 Maya Richmond-Smith 1275 32:17 10:24 37:44 Catherine Riede 4623 1:15:08 24:11 1:15:08 Lasshmy Rijo 33 43:07 13:53 46:03 Emily Riley 4824 57:18 18:27 1:00:50 Amelia Rio 1059 49:26 15:55 52:17 Erin Rio 5417 49:23 15:54 52:14 Irene Rivas 1341 44:39 14:23 49:33 Kara Rivas 4818 44:41 14:23 49:34 Adaleah Rivera 432 37:37 12:07 42:36 Angel Rivera 5636 41:44 13:26 48:19 David Rivera 4544 33:47 10:53 36:28 Erika Rivera 4673 43:08 13:53 46:04 Gabriela Rivera 94 41:44 13:26 48:20 Jemma Rivera 515 57:36 18:33 1:01:43 Miah Rivera 433 42:23 13:39 47:18 Peyton Rivera 924 50:04 16:07 51:01 Rebecca Rivera 4672 49:01 15:47 52:00 Siarra Rivera 1125 46:32 14:59 51:09 Sofia Rivera 1238 56:39 18:14 1:01:32 Yolanda Rivera 5155 47:59 15:27 54:15 Elena Rivera Coronado 95 49:12 15:50 55:52 Nylah Rivers 738 56:34 18:13 58:07 Yolaine Rivers 5517 56:56 18:20 58:36 Caitlin Roache 5328 36:31 11:46 37:34 Matilda Roache 657 36:31 11:46 37:34 Alexa Robbins 490 33:10 10:41 33:37 Maggie Robbins 5089 33:10 10:41 33:38 Alex Roberts 5314 48:33 15:38 50:34 Abigail Robichaud 1650 44:19 14:16 48:28 Adele Robinot 402 35:35 11:27 36:05 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 40 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Benjamin Robinot 5713 35:37 11:28 36:06 Clara Robinot 403 35:36 11:28 36:06 Regan Robinson 636 46:45 15:03 47:06 Alida Robles Pojoy 4627 43:31 14:01 48:11 Sabrina Roche 1739 53:58 17:23 56:28 Eliza Rockhead 602 52:37 16:56 59:02 Douglas Rodas 5626 50:44 16:20 53:32 Fiorella Rodas Santiago 759 43:57 14:09 46:46 Lourdes Rodas Santiago 760 50:45 16:20 53:32 Julie Roden 5432 52:51 17:01 58:12 Miguel Rodr Guez 4912 38:55 12:32 39:20 Valentina Rodr Guez Mont 146 42:41 13:44 46:45 Nayah Rodrigues 951 49:40 15:59 49:45 Sandra Rodrigues 5806 33:00 10:38 33:11 Sherry Rodrigues 4933 1:04:29 20:46 1:11:25 Maria Clara Rodrigues Al 60 54:05 17:25 56:12 Marcella Rodrigues Nasci 739 57:05 18:23 57:14 Melissa Rodrigues Ramos 740 33:02 10:38 33:12 Abigail Rodriguez 566 1:00:19 19:25 1:04:03 Alaisha Rodriguez 567 34:51 11:13 34:54 Dianerys Rodriguez 1641 46:34 15:00 46:47 Dominic Rodriguez 4684 30:38 9:52 32:05 Elizah Rodriguez 1384 1:01:17 19:44 1:01:53 Elycia Rodriguez 793 48:23 15:35 50:08 Isabell Rodriguez 434 57:11 18:25 59:03 Julianna Rodriguez 1322 45:07 14:32 51:50 Mara Rodriguez 4688 43:47 14:06 46:16 Melisa Rodriguez 5304 48:43 15:41 50:43 Nyckole Rodriguez 5047 1:00:18 19:25 1:04:03 Olivia Rodriguez 701 30:39 9:52 32:05 Petra Rodriguez 794 48:26 15:36 50:09 Tanya Rodriguez 5258 59:06 19:02 1:03:47 Kiana Rodriguez Robles 1191 43:32 14:01 48:12 Nailyanis Rodriguez Sepu 998 45:36 14:41 47:38 Karla Rodriguez-Paz 4823 46:38 15:01 52:02 Janet Rodriguez-Weinberg 1934 50:12 16:10 55:47 Kelly-Ann Romano 4831 44:53 14:27 49:32 Paola Romao 147 42:41 13:45 46:46 Ella Rome 1417 38:14 12:19 42:55 Arianna Romero 4593 42:46 13:46 46:02 Jill Roncarati Oconnell 4806 36:24 11:43 42:00 Mike Roncone 4732 40:44 13:07 45:38 Natalia Roncone 1226 37:14 11:59 42:06 Franyelin Roque 43 49:15 15:51 51:55 Avery Rosa Brito 532 43:29 14:00 46:27 Hailie Rosa Teixeira 381 42:33 13:42 44:15 Danisha Rosario 44 41:58 13:31 44:59 Jadahliz Rosario 1385 47:10 15:11 52:01 Liszy Rosario 568 52:53 17:02 56:32 Nashli Rosario Alcantara 34 42:52 13:48 45:29 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 41 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Skylar Roscoe 167 59:08 19:02 1:02:25 Allie Rose 1023 42:55 13:49 44:25 Nick Rose 4604 42:55 13:49 44:27 Vanessa Rossi 4882 47:21 15:15 53:21 Winona Rossi 1077 47:22 15:15 53:20 Alexa Roth 1726 43:55 14:08 47:20 Brynnan Rothschild-Shea 1940 53:08 17:06 1:00:20 Lilah Rotstein 1024 44:23 14:17 45:27 Rick Rowe 4634 55:38 17:55 1:00:53 Emily Roxo 1676 50:40 16:19 54:34 Abigail Roy 1060 48:02 15:28 50:48 Elizabeth Roy 4968 48:01 15:28 50:48 Olivia Rozendo 119 31:03 10:00 32:58 Saulo Rozendo 5307 31:15 10:04 33:10 Alice Rubin 120 43:38 14:03 44:24 Hillary Rubin 4886 50:43 16:20 51:07 Phoebe Rubin 1040 50:33 16:17 50:57 Arlina Rucaj 6 43:36 14:02 49:59 Mechelle Rucker 1531 47:54 15:25 50:22 Brianna Rudolph 5119 35:16 11:21 37:30 Emma Ruidiaz 435 39:07 12:36 41:17 Anaya Ruiz 168 46:13 14:53 50:33 Erika Ruiz 4771 49:50 16:03 53:57 Fatima Ruiz 1323 49:07 15:49 54:52 Jehovany Ruiz 5020 49:08 15:49 54:52 Nikki Ruiz 5107 1:07:39 21:47 1:12:22 Zoe Ruiz 1363 58:21 18:47 1:02:37 Francesca Ruocco 1406 42:38 13:44 44:10 Matt Russell 5349 37:06 11:57 38:43 Reign Russell 981 50:04 16:07 54:54 Teigan Russell 982 49:57 16:05 54:47 Zhuri Russell 983 45:56 14:47 51:10 Zoe Russell 831 37:06 11:57 38:42 McKenna Russo 1107 53:11 17:08 59:21 Ryleigh Russo 1108 45:22 14:36 50:32 Shawna Russo 4923 45:23 14:37 50:32 Allie Ryan 295 43:00 13:51 43:57 Andrea Ryan 5355 42:59 13:50 43:56 Brielle Ryan 1215 46:29 14:58 46:31 Julie Ryan 4860 36:47 11:51 40:27 Mary Ryan 5001 56:35 18:13 1:02:28 Isabelle Ryan Lonardelli 219 36:45 11:50 40:25 Abigail Rydbeck 5512 40:40 13:06 42:59 Elisabeth Rydbeck 1078 40:38 13:05 42:58 Naiomi Sabiino 1126 33:19 10:44 33:48 Josephine Sacco 80 44:39 14:23 51:18 Sarah Sahni 5584 39:06 12:35 40:08 Maya Sakin 121 46:28 14:58 50:27 Michal Sakin 5317 46:37 15:01 50:37 Daysi Saldana 319 42:23 13:39 42:59 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 42 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Jazmine Salguero 516 49:51 16:03 53:57 Dorsa Salmanizadeh 411 37:26 12:03 39:37 Hojat Salmanizadeh 5640 37:36 12:07 39:47 Keesha Samma 1239 53:15 17:09 58:04 Lisa Samura 148 48:11 15:31 52:14 Jason San Martin 4549 56:10 18:05 59:15 Traci Sancha-Comastra 702 34:45 11:11 35:05 Kathly Sanches 382 37:03 11:56 38:16 Ayleen Sanchez 795 42:43 13:45 44:29 Bella Sanchez 925 45:18 14:35 48:38 Juan Sanchez 5077 42:45 13:46 44:30 Nicole Sanchez 1127 49:59 16:06 50:28 Sophia Sanchez 926 49:59 16:06 50:56 Yessenia Sanchez 7 51:09 16:28 57:32 Sharon Sanchez Ipus 910 42:45 13:46 44:59 Kenny Sannon 4848 42:04 13:33 47:07 Yareymi Santaiago 761 47:56 15:26 54:13 Jaelani Santana 1128 47:19 15:14 50:09 Mabel Santana 4873 33:34 10:49 34:32 Jennyfer Santiago 5627 44:01 14:10 46:50 Navyiah Santiago Candela 572 46:10 14:52 49:43 Adrianna Santiago Quiles 533 44:51 14:27 50:11 Carlie Santos 573 49:15 15:51 53:05 Isabella Santos 1386 51:20 16:32 57:58 Jannabelle Santos 1129 45:44 14:44 50:20 Lianna Santos 927 38:21 12:21 38:47 Lisanny Santos 449 46:51 15:05 47:06 Eliany Santos Rodriguez 1309 47:50 15:24 52:22 Evelyn Sassaman 467 44:19 14:16 48:28 Chisaki Sato 812 33:19 10:44 36:16 Megumi Sato 5128 33:20 10:44 36:18 Riho Sato 720 29:54 9:38 30:01 Arunavya Satyam 1041 47:46 15:23 48:35 Aurora Saulnier 1109 45:46 14:44 46:44 Violet Savoy 778 31:00 9:59 32:09 Meena Savoyski 549 48:02 15:28 48:58 Caroline Schissel 1886 30:32 9:50 34:42 Ellie Schmid 1095 31:20 10:05 31:37 Rebecca Schneider 851 35:02 11:17 39:11 Paige Schorle 365 36:40 11:48 37:01 Amaya Scott 1173 54:37 17:35 1:00:55 Ann-Marie Scott 5411 51:45 16:40 56:51 Rebecca Scott 1407 51:43 16:39 56:50 Evlyn Scuzzarella 1594 46:23 14:56 52:27 Elidana Seare 1263 58:03 18:41 1:02:26 Denise Secchiaroli 5262 45:38 14:42 46:00 Gabriella Dee Secchiarol 638 45:37 14:41 45:55 Jaclyn Secter 4500 45:10 14:33 46:59 Alexandra Sedlovskaya 5305 43:38 14:03 44:25 Katie Seely 4917 52:58 17:03 59:13 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 43 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Maya Seely 1324 52:57 17:03 59:13 Kinsley Seguin 658 32:33 10:29 38:15 Zoe Selvia 1419 44:29 14:20 50:00 Phacy Sem 5612 50:05 16:07 51:01 Ayden Senat 984 44:26 14:18 49:40 Claribel Serrano 1714 34:52 11:14 35:13 Kathryn Seyfarth 1896 54:00 17:23 56:44 Elizabeth Shah 4521 45:12 14:33 50:55 Leela Shah 1469 45:08 14:32 50:52 Myra Shah 1069 41:12 13:16 41:51 Lucy Shalhoub 1217 33:34 10:49 33:37 Ira Shanbhag 122 43:38 14:03 44:25 Niraj Shanbhag 5311 43:38 14:03 44:25 Ella Shapira 940 32:44 10:33 34:56 David Sharkey 5435 45:52 14:46 50:44 Shreya Sharma 412 43:19 13:57 45:22 Jade Shaw 4717 37:46 12:10 39:06 Jessica Shaw 4555 49:04 15:48 52:55 Ken Shaw 4992 27:53 8:59 27:54 Nora Shaw 1218 27:49 8:57 27:50 Dorothy Shealey 5529 1:00:33 19:30 1:09:02 Leocadia Sheffield 4647 49:56 16:05 50:43 Elva-Violet Sheffield-Ed 721 48:58 15:46 49:42 Roberta Sherman 1653 1:03:56 20:35 1:03:56 Edward Shin 4836 42:11 13:35 44:17 Jennifer Shin 5296 44:35 14:21 51:26 Josephine Shin 468 42:12 13:35 44:16 Mia Shin 1436 44:33 14:21 51:24 Samantha Shin 469 39:04 12:35 41:02 Alexis Shinohara 491 49:39 15:59 52:43 Max Shinohara 4550 49:39 15:59 52:43 Scarlet Shomo 61 43:28 14:00 43:57 Irya Shrestha 762 41:39 13:25 45:08 Sandra Sicard 1829 28:51 9:18 29:17 Brianna Sickmier 5721 50:26 16:14 52:14 Mirelly Siebre Oliveira 1264 44:18 14:16 51:02 Andie Siegel 1862 37:58 12:14 44:41 Emilia Silberman 1470 53:06 17:06 1:00:03 Mark Silberman 4507 53:06 17:06 1:00:03 Samantha Silberstein 413 43:19 13:57 45:22 Alice Silva 278 39:49 12:49 41:42 Aysha Silva 1342 49:05 15:48 54:18 Vanessa Silveira 5537 46:04 14:50 48:07 Kelly Simard 1819 43:02 13:51 44:20 Jocelyn Simcox 960 49:28 15:55 53:09 Melanie Simmons 5135 51:14 16:30 57:37 Sage Simmons 1110 51:15 16:30 57:38 Nicole Simonson 1559 47:17 15:13 51:19 Emma Simpson 383 48:57 15:46 50:26 Kerri Simpson 5220 53:54 17:21 55:14 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 44 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Michelle Skehill 4899 39:37 12:46 41:22 Taylor Skehill 669 35:46 11:31 37:31 Heather Skorik 5524 58:16 18:46 1:02:05 Nadia Skorik 585 58:16 18:46 1:02:05 Harlo Slavin 404 41:22 13:19 41:53 Kristi Slavin 4990 41:22 13:19 41:53 Caroline Sliney 5173 45:59 14:48 51:13 Kathryn Slomski 1740 52:21 16:51 55:17 Brian Slotnick 4704 31:36 10:11 31:49 Scarlett Slotnick 586 31:36 10:10 31:47 Amy Smith 5072 41:19 13:18 43:37 Austin Smith 4902 38:13 12:18 42:54 Eric Smith 5431 40:09 12:56 41:43 Katie Smith 4969 39:07 12:36 41:17 Kendall Smith 4931 46:32 14:59 46:35 Myka Smith 414 40:09 12:56 41:43 Talia Smith 1154 34:21 11:04 39:22 Jenna Smolag 4624 44:59 14:29 49:41 Mira Snow 1070 41:26 13:20 41:51 Allana Sobrinho 1062 53:55 17:22 56:41 Alya Sofet 279 41:16 13:17 42:52 Deepak Sofet 5283 40:58 13:11 42:51 Sonam Sofet 5284 41:06 13:14 42:59 Alvaro Solares 5508 54:34 17:34 1:00:12 Kaylee Solares 149 48:05 15:29 52:08 Colleen Soldato 1794 32:00 10:18 33:28 Rochelle Solomon 1834 1:15:26 24:17 1:15:26 Tanya Solorzano 4524 47:01 15:08 53:04 Geraldine Soto 8 43:47 14:06 49:59 Jaelee Soto 574 42:18 13:37 45:02 Elaine Soto Reyes 436 49:36 15:58 54:35 Carrie Souza 5297 45:52 14:46 52:25 Charlotte Souza 1000 45:37 14:41 47:38 Emma Souza 1408 47:04 15:09 50:56 Laurel Souza 1437 45:52 14:46 52:24 Pat Souza 5271 47:04 15:09 50:54 Amelia Spencer 893 38:54 12:32 40:21 Megan Spencer 5527 52:58 17:03 56:55 Michael Sperling 4582 28:36 9:13 30:49 Izabella Spinelli 1192 38:10 12:17 42:49 Cecilia Springer 550 1:01:31 19:48 1:03:07 Natalia Srey-Gilbert 320 38:11 12:18 42:56 Charlotte Stair 813 42:30 13:41 45:52 Daniel Stair 5074 42:31 13:42 45:54 Lea Stanlie 244 30:26 9:48 30:48 Melissa Starr 1941 53:08 17:06 1:00:20 Rachel Steely 1587 30:25 9:48 30:48 Ellen Stoddard 1823 35:03 11:17 35:17 Haley Stoddard 1138 25:16 8:08 25:30 Ryan Stoddard 5503 25:16 8:08 25:29 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 45 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Jeremy Stone 5610 45:13 14:33 47:51 Madeleine Stone 1026 45:11 14:33 47:51 Zoe Stoops 610 58:10 18:44 1:02:12 Rebecca Stover 1824 47:19 15:14 49:07 Jonathan Streff 5109 30:46 9:55 31:03 Charlene Strother 1447 51:04 16:27 56:28 Penelope Stuart 659 42:46 13:46 46:57 Georgia Stupakevich 1287 43:20 13:57 47:39 Eleanor Sullivan 1155 47:10 15:11 53:16 Ireland Sullivan 876 42:56 13:50 43:12 Jeremy Sullivan 4616 43:13 13:55 46:36 Kaitlyn Sullivan 4603 43:46 14:06 50:20 Rory Sullivan 1156 30:53 9:57 36:56 Rylee Sullivan 384 54:38 17:35 56:43 Sadie Sullivan 254 43:12 13:55 46:36 Samantha Sullivan 4838 54:38 17:35 56:44 Shannon Sullivan 5123 47:52 15:25 52:31 Becca Sulpizio 1707 41:05 13:14 41:59 Ishe-Lee Sumrall 321 46:06 14:51 48:03 Eva Sussman 1044 25:41 8:16 25:44 Jonathan Sussman 5167 25:42 8:17 25:44 Jane Sutherland 1439 51:16 16:30 58:07 Bethan Sutton 1157 48:26 15:36 50:37 Helena Sutton 4597 48:28 15:36 50:39 Aislyn Swain 366 28:40 9:14 28:47 Tracy Swain 1622 28:40 9:14 28:49 Gretchen Swarr 1815 45:46 14:44 46:44 Rose Talbert 1027 41:29 13:21 44:21 Ainsley Talbot 587 39:55 12:51 41:23 Nick Talbot 5162 39:54 12:51 41:24 Leila Tanen 5241 40:44 13:07 41:39 Mio Tanimoto 722 28:19 9:07 28:25 Evangeline Tapia 961 49:27 15:55 53:07 Juan Tapia 4619 49:34 15:57 53:15 Rebecca Tarantino 1809 34:55 11:15 35:44 David Tasto 4892 39:59 12:53 45:45 Nikabelle Tasto 1471 39:17 12:39 45:03 Adeja Tavares 4829 1:07:29 21:43 1:10:05 Hector Tavares 4957 51:22 16:32 57:59 Jeanette Taveras 5246 56:09 18:05 58:00 Paulo Teixeira 4563 42:31 13:41 44:13 Isabel Tejada 5634 45:19 14:35 48:37 Anderson Tejeda 5726 46:29 14:58 53:11 Aryanna Tellier 339 43:40 14:04 44:10 Gigi Terrell 1448 53:46 17:19 59:08 Taryn Terwilliger 1663 43:29 14:00 46:27 Kim Theodore 1835 53:30 17:13 1:00:56 Marli Thibodeau 5361 43:19 13:57 44:14 Joseph Thoman 4702 42:01 13:32 42:39 Ocean Thoman 588 42:01 13:32 42:40 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 46 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Elyse Thornton 1096 31:57 10:17 32:16 Pascalina Thuo 1130 1:03:19 20:23 1:05:46 Emily Tibbetts 1609 59:22 19:07 1:01:09 Christopher Tighe 5332 27:54 8:59 33:11 Samantha Tighe 660 27:49 8:58 33:07 Abbott Timmons 5236 25:59 8:22 26:07 Meg Timperi 1935 39:03 12:34 44:21 Samantha Tineo 1325 45:18 14:35 51:59 Rachael Tobio 4799 32:17 10:24 35:19 Skyla Tobio 704 32:13 10:23 35:15 Amitis Toloue 405 32:57 10:37 36:51 Atessa Toloue 415 32:58 10:37 36:51 Masoud Toloue 5639 32:58 10:37 36:51 Scarlett Tonzani 1228 50:05 16:08 56:51 Brislen Torres 4707 38:45 12:29 45:27 Milosi Torres 5514 52:59 17:03 55:22 Natalie Torres 853 44:37 14:22 49:33 Victoria Torres 5108 48:24 15:35 50:08 Emanuelly Tosta 640 40:01 12:53 42:36 Valdinei Tosta 5443 40:01 12:53 42:36 Donna Touhey 5433 47:42 15:22 49:42 Gianna Touhey 1097 47:14 15:13 49:14 Caroline Tourgee 5336 32:09 10:21 38:36 Lauren Tourgee 1701 26:40 8:35 33:07 Kayla Towe 1174 55:39 17:55 1:00:53 Hieu Tran 4644 44:03 14:11 44:07 Layla Tran 1219 44:02 14:11 44:07 Syndi Travares 517 46:57 15:07 52:44 Lesley Trejo Rodriguez 1194 45:49 14:45 52:54 Jeffrey Tremlett 4648 41:55 13:30 44:47 Natalie Tremlett 220 41:53 13:29 44:47 Victoria Tridenti 1636 51:00 16:25 54:45 Heidi Trottier 5095 51:26 16:34 58:22 Dave Truesdell 4813 31:27 10:08 31:42 Chisa Tsukioka 814 30:52 9:57 33:49 Priscilla Tucci 1001 1:02:50 20:14 1:05:19 Abigail Tucker 1276 36:24 11:43 39:19 Dan Tucker 5235 36:24 11:43 39:19 Juliet Tucker 1277 50:50 16:22 54:15 Katelyn Tucker 5233 50:53 16:23 54:18 Shannon Tucker 1867 50:54 16:23 54:18 Lauren Tuiskula 4880 30:15 9:45 30:17 Hazel Tuohey 255 28:31 9:11 31:51 Kara Tuohey 5152 28:32 9:11 31:54 Nashla Turbi Concepcion 150 42:41 13:45 46:47 Rylee Tynes 185 44:55 14:28 45:45 Elisabeth Ulysse 534 38:49 12:30 43:01 Jowenskia Ulysse 1266 36:12 11:39 42:48 Wilsondy Ulysse 5807 36:12 11:39 42:48 June Ungar 611 39:17 12:39 41:01 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 47 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Peter Ungar 4859 39:17 12:39 41:01 Unknown Runner 5623 27:07 8:44 34:19 Unknown Runner 5163 34:59 11:16 35:26 Unknown Runner 5617 35:35 11:27 35:44 Unknown Runner 5309 34:16 11:02 36:04 Unknown Runner 4690 37:12 11:59 38:34 Unknown Runner 4840 39:10 12:37 40:09 Unknown Runner 4691 39:35 12:45 40:58 Unknown Runner 5104 37:15 12:00 43:16 Unknown Runner 5044 39:44 12:48 43:48 Unknown Runner 5447 37:27 12:03 44:32 Unknown Runner 5106 44:16 14:15 45:37 Unknown Runner 5207 40:34 13:04 46:46 Unknown Runner 4904 45:56 14:47 47:40 Unknown Runner 5270 44:37 14:22 48:18 Unknown Runner 5292 42:28 13:40 48:36 Unknown Runner 4620 43:46 14:05 49:59 Unknown Runner 4689 47:29 15:17 50:26 Unknown Runner 5539 45:03 14:30 51:39 Unknown Runner 5149 48:09 15:30 52:12 Unknown Runner 4791 47:52 15:25 52:24 Unknown Runner 5590 42:01 13:32 52:27 Unknown Runner 4594 47:19 15:14 52:31 Unknown Runner 5446 46:11 14:52 53:17 Unknown Runner 5445 46:11 14:52 53:18 Unknown Runner 5269 49:58 16:05 53:49 Unknown Runner 5440 53:13 17:08 54:25 Unknown Runner 4993 49:31 15:57 54:36 Unknown Runner 4929 48:49 15:43 55:45 Unknown Runner 4617 56:14 18:06 56:14 Unknown Runner 4503 50:07 16:08 56:52 Unknown Runner 4504 50:07 16:08 56:53 Unknown Runner 4613 50:48 16:22 57:12 Unknown Runner 5444 51:09 16:28 57:33 Unknown Runner 5139 57:11 18:25 59:03 Unknown Runner 5589 54:58 17:42 59:16 Unknown Runner 4941 59:28 19:09 59:28 Unknown Runner 5273 57:36 18:33 1:02:49 Unknown Runner 4641 1:13:08 23:33 1:13:08 Unknown Runner 5513 1:15:56 24:27 1:15:56 Heidi Upton 1797 44:26 14:19 47:47 Brittany Usher 4767 55:34 17:53 59:28 Amanda Uwakwe 200 53:01 17:04 58:22 Sabrina Vaid 965 39:07 12:36 40:25 Christine Vaine 4736 39:59 12:53 45:43 Emma Vaine 1472 39:18 12:39 45:02 Debby Valdes 5159 47:00 15:08 53:04 Isabella Valdes 1473 47:00 15:08 53:04 Lisselott Valdez 1836 53:33 17:14 1:00:57 Marielys Valdez 796 1:00:50 19:35 1:03:01 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 48 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Nicaury Valerio 4721 56:39 18:14 59:07 Lincy Valiente 322 38:22 12:21 38:58 Olga Valiente 4786 38:23 12:21 38:58 John Valles 5300 56:01 18:02 1:02:07 Beennk Vancold 45 41:59 13:31 44:59 Saran Vardhanabhuti 4681 32:27 10:27 33:05 Sophia Vardhanabhuti 406 32:28 10:27 33:06 Francisco Vargas 5706 56:37 18:14 1:01:09 Nova Vargas 151 39:27 12:42 42:00 Abril Vasquez 96 53:44 17:18 1:00:00 Alivia Vasquez 152 48:07 15:29 52:09 Altagracia Vasquez 5015 1:00:31 19:29 1:02:55 Jerry Vasquez Rodriguez 4961 51:24 16:33 52:45 Maria Valentina Vaz Gont 742 32:24 10:26 33:00 Chris Vecchi 1916 47:18 15:14 51:16 Arianna Vega 1487 47:11 15:11 52:48 Stephanie Vega 5097 47:11 15:12 52:51 Melvin Byron Velasquez 4785 38:10 12:17 42:55 Alicia Velasquez Perez 911 47:31 15:18 53:33 Marisa Vella Thornton 4802 33:14 10:42 33:33 Prudence Vellante 1488 44:21 14:17 48:32 John Verano 4900 39:49 12:49 42:11 Luz Verano 5701 40:20 12:59 42:46 Valerie Verano 83 40:23 13:00 42:46 Lishanny Veras 688 41:05 13:14 41:59 Michael Verseckes 4769 30:21 9:46 32:34 Zoe Verseckes 1288 30:20 9:46 32:33 Jaxon "emma" Vierck 1449 54:20 17:30 58:51 McEstar Vilarson 4890 49:43 16:00 54:37 Starlijha Vilarson 437 49:42 16:00 54:37 Isabella Villani 589 25:07 8:05 26:30 Paige Villano 1664 38:59 12:33 43:09 Giovany Villeda 5223 30:59 9:59 33:14 Valentina Villeda 764 31:00 9:59 33:14 Daniela Vincent 5506 50:45 16:21 51:09 Liliana Vincent 1045 50:33 16:17 50:57 Laura Vindick 1921 36:09 11:38 38:12 Nadia Viola 941 38:14 12:19 43:16 Maryory Alejand Virula M 1489 46:55 15:06 50:31 Mary Rita Visconti 1804 29:21 9:27 35:43 Thomas Vitiello 5046 44:39 14:23 51:18 Angelina Vitolo 1158 31:30 10:09 33:53 Felice Vitolo 5096 31:31 10:09 33:53 Vanessa Vlahakis 4527 52:36 16:56 53:24 Jimmy Vo 4522 29:19 9:27 29:22 Penelope Vo 1220 29:20 9:27 29:22 Brooke Wade 5105 32:06 10:20 32:38 Dajinae Wade 877 32:07 10:20 32:39 Fred Wafula 5472 37:30 12:04 44:36 Ada Rose Wagar 4982 28:03 9:02 33:06 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 49 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Niyam Waghela 894 49:23 15:54 54:20 Aurora Wagner 723 40:23 13:00 40:40 Christopher Wai 4804 34:52 11:14 40:22 Emma Wai 1353 41:00 13:12 46:29 Olivia Wai 1343 34:51 11:13 40:22 Shirley Wai 4805 41:06 13:14 46:35 Gillian Wallace 1830 47:10 15:11 53:17 Hayden Wallace 367 30:55 9:57 31:11 Alexandria Walsh 962 53:41 17:17 53:51 Emm Walsh 1139 45:04 14:31 46:45 Kim Walsh 4554 45:03 14:30 46:45 Tiana Walton 743 55:10 17:46 56:44 Tonia Walton 744 55:12 17:46 56:45 Tre Walton 5439 55:10 17:46 56:45 Nailah Wanami 1175 47:59 15:27 53:13 Ellie Wang 17 31:45 10:14 35:35 Yubao Wang 5005 31:46 10:14 35:35 Darnell Ward 4765 53:47 17:19 59:20 Julia Ward 4872 46:45 15:03 47:05 Lane Ward 1668 46:57 15:07 53:29 Victoria Ward 245 53:45 17:18 59:17 Brigid Warner-Streff 1278 30:48 9:55 31:04 Brynna Wasmer 1079 43:03 13:52 48:44 Christopher Wasmer 4768 43:03 13:52 48:44 Lillian Waters 85 43:30 14:00 50:03 Destiny Watson Price 670 55:48 17:58 57:33 Alison Weeks 1705 41:56 13:30 43:45 Alice Weinman 18 48:31 15:37 53:40 Talya Weinman 4596 48:32 15:38 53:40 Lynn Weisse 1560 43:51 14:07 47:57 Devyn Wellnitz 1221 37:36 12:07 37:38 Michael Wellnitz 4530 37:38 12:07 37:40 Pamela Wells Rockhead 4599 52:40 16:57 59:06 Ella Wen 229 45:01 14:30 45:40 Ruth Wengrovius 4730 51:18 16:31 58:05 Nicole Werther 5607 38:25 12:22 41:57 Olivia Werther-Lev 256 38:24 12:22 41:57 Mary West 1837 36:07 11:38 42:24 Brenna White 1289 41:03 13:13 45:22 Colleen White 4876 49:31 15:57 53:11 Erica White 1760 42:59 13:50 43:15 Erin White 5170 43:20 13:57 47:39 River White 1420 35:57 11:34 38:00 Scott Wiener 5141 44:59 14:29 49:22 Nashla Wilckens 438 38:16 12:19 43:13 Charlotte Wilkey 1365 42:23 13:39 45:09 Kelly Wilkey 5253 42:24 13:39 45:09 Catherine Williams 1474 46:31 14:59 53:32 Dennis Williams 4966 46:32 14:59 53:33 Alanni Wilmot 385 41:40 13:25 43:21 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 50 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Catalina Wilson 1229 39:06 12:35 44:30 Douglas Wilson 4727 39:07 12:36 44:33 Olivia Wilson 1344 48:25 15:35 53:52 Stephanie Wilson 4891 49:07 15:49 54:02 Violet Wilson 493 31:32 10:09 32:07 Karena Wilson-Mejia 353 1:04:44 20:51 1:06:17 Sarah Winitzer 1937 38:46 12:29 44:42 Vivian Wint 221 38:29 12:23 41:07 Skyla Withers 170 43:37 14:03 48:18 Linda Witz 1637 38:16 12:19 43:12 Logen Witz 5412 49:36 15:58 54:36 Ann Wohlhueter 4559 42:31 13:41 48:45 Christine Wolfenden 5586 43:37 14:03 48:21 Alexandra Wong 5171 38:06 12:16 41:55 Liat Wong 1159 38:04 12:16 41:52 Faith Wong-Kujawski 815 36:27 11:44 42:02 Hazel Woo 19 42:21 13:38 47:03 Kevin Woo 4955 42:21 13:38 47:04 Meghan Wood 4499 37:15 12:00 38:34 Lily Woodfin 62 42:17 13:37 43:43 Amy Woogmaster 1715 39:33 12:44 41:45 Jessica Worden 5608 50:24 16:14 56:46 Sabrena Worrell 4566 51:23 16:33 56:32 Allison Wozniak 323 51:18 16:31 52:14 Jane Wright 5035 40:18 12:59 43:54 Allison Wu 1440 47:52 15:25 54:00 Besmir Xhuti 5434 42:17 13:37 44:01 Erisa Xhuti 671 42:16 13:37 44:01 Dongxia Xue 1160 36:34 11:47 38:35 Jun Xue 4497 36:34 11:47 38:35 Dianne Yacovone 5427 31:35 10:10 32:10 Daisuke Yamada 5064 39:59 12:53 44:59 Lino Yamada 246 40:02 12:53 45:02 Abby Yamartino 1907 46:15 14:53 47:45 Yao Yan 5007 44:29 14:20 50:00 Julia Yanes 4907 56:33 18:12 57:14 Ellee Yau 20 39:56 12:52 44:32 Amelia Youk-See 1441 55:09 17:45 55:20 Harper Young 123 43:20 13:57 48:41 Javon Young 4828 43:13 13:55 45:40 Jailyn Youngblood 1642 47:03 15:09 47:17 Valeria Ytriago 672 48:28 15:36 49:58 Tingting Yuan 5423 54:40 17:36 1:00:26 Cecilia Yuca 4958 34:47 11:12 37:07 Ava Yuen 124 56:56 18:20 59:15 Borhan Yunus 5804 51:54 16:42 58:00 Maggie Zager 1942 50:16 16:11 57:00 Haley Zahn 4970 57:32 18:31 1:01:18 Ista Zahn 4560 38:15 12:19 38:27 Soraya Zahn 551 38:15 12:19 38:27 12/11/2024 3:09PM Page 51 Girls On The Run Greater Boston Fall Season Celebratory 5K November 16, 2024 5 Kilometers Boston, MA Timing: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== **************** RESULTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ***************** Name Race# Nettime Pace Guntime ======================== ===== ======= ===== ======= Nicole Zahradka 1898 30:10 9:43 35:19 Aaron Zandman 5310 36:46 11:50 37:26 Sarah Zandman 125 36:46 11:50 37:26 Kiara Zani 4809 56:16 18:07 1:00:18 Samantha Zani 661 32:07 10:20 38:33 Valentina Zanotelli 1267 46:18 14:54 50:31 Sara Zavarelli 5536 48:04 15:29 54:24 Michele Zawadzki 1638 51:00 16:25 54:45 Astrid Zeinoun 1071 38:23 12:22 39:03 Peter Zeinoun 5367 38:23 12:22 39:03 Abigail Zekariyas 188 50:32 16:16 55:53 Emily Zepeda 1354 56:14 18:06 1:00:16 Bo Zhang 4498 43:05 13:52 45:06 Christina Zielinski 1555 27:49 8:58 32:59 Laura Zientek 4877 43:23 13:58 50:00 Lydia Zikas 1140 53:05 17:05 56:43 Sarah Zombek 1763 38:57 12:33 40:21 Sherlin Zuleta Castro 724 58:08 18:43 59:33 Mia Zuleta Ospino 535 48:50 15:43 51:48 12/11/2024 3:09PM