Page 1 Celebrate Pink 5k Run and Walk September 17, 2023 5 Kilometers Portsmouth, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: ================================================================================ ********************************************* BREAST CANCER SURVIVOR RESULTS ********************************************* Place Guntime Nettime Pace Name Age Sex Race# City/state ===== ======= ======= ===== ======================== === === ===== ======================= 1 25:01 24:55 8:03 Megan Brown 39 F 15188 New London NH 2 25:33 25:29 8:14 Lindsay Atoro 33 F 15291 Portsmouth NH 3 32:30 31:21 10:07 Janel Nielsen 43 F 15636 York ME 4 33:43 33:26 10:47 Dahlia Daigle 41 F 15069 Stratham NH 5 41:42 41:31 13:24 Carolyn Pollet 55 F 15044 Stratham NH 6 42:28 42:03 13:34 Jane Pillemer 79 F 15034 Exeter NH 7 43:43 43:13 13:57 Elizabeth Madison 39 F 15537 Rthwood NH 8 44:35 44:08 14:14 Nancy Lee 58 F 15525 Eliot ME 9 50:23 49:12 15:53 Katja Becksted 49 F 15184 Portsmouth NH 10 50:09 49:41 16:02 Linda Every 68 F 15168 Portsmouth NH 11 50:32 50:14 16:13 Marge Kamveris 68 F 15263 Hampton NH 12 51:47 51:22 16:35 Marcia Flemings 70 F 15058 Hampton NH 13 51:57 51:27 16:36 Stephanie McLean-Miller 54 F 15190 Somersworth NH 14 52:39 51:34 16:38 Julia Campbell 53 F 15134 Nashua NH 15 52:29 52:00 16:47 Anja Schneider 44 F 5860 Kittery ME 16 52:59 52:28 16:56 Heather Longe 49 F 15584 Durham NH 17 53:44 52:46 17:02 Deanna Jordan 38 F 15144 Hampton NH 18 53:40 52:57 17:05 Tegan McGaw 38 F 15111 Sanbornville NH 19 54:54 54:05 17:27 Heather Healy 53 F 15025 Stratham NH 20 57:58 56:51 18:21 Jonna Grenier 58 F 15107 Danville NH 21 59:06 58:19 18:49 Tara Lawrence 53 F 15056 Plattsburgh NY 22 59:32 59:05 19:04 Lynn Lagasse 62 F 15106 Rochester NH 23 1:00:27 59:20 19:09 Christine Carter 49 F 15008 Portsmouth NH 24 59:56 59:30 19:12 Kelly Kilgallon 43 F 15496 Strafford NH 25 59:56 59:31 19:12 Jack Kilgallon 75 M 15497 Farmington NH 26 1:00:27 59:58 19:21 Lynne Marvell 68 F 15388 Greenland NH 27 1:00:27 59:59 19:21 Melissa Perry 39 F 15386 Rye NH 28 1:01:36 1:00:40 19:34 Pat Leyman 60 F 15199 Greenland NH 29 1:01:36 1:00:41 19:35 Kathleen Eberle 20 F 15352 Hampton NH 30 1:03:37 1:02:09 20:03 Lisa Ring 51 F 15410 Andover MA 31 1:03:34 1:02:14 20:05 Christa Corey 52 F 15082 Ttingham NH 32 1:02:59 1:02:24 20:08 Jodi Cote 58 F 15126 Newmarket NH 33 1:03:37 1:02:42 20:14 Kim Murphy 58 F 15587 Portsmouth NH 34 1:05:36 1:02:56 20:19 Diane Shiffer 54 F 15329 Hampton NH 35 1:04:11 1:03:15 20:25 Shonda Brackett 55 F 15593 Ttingham NH 36 1:03:44 1:03:21 20:27 Christine Smallcomb 56 F 15400 Salem NH 37 1:04:19 1:03:33 20:30 Pamela Hutchins 62 F 15583 South Berwick ME 38 1:04:15 1:03:36 20:31 Toral Joshi 44 F 15313 Barrington NH 39 1:04:55 1:04:02 20:40 Stewart Keefe 70 F 15180 Rochester NH 40 1:04:41 1:04:14 20:44 Gina Letizio 56 F 15016 Hampton NH 41 1:05:45 1:04:59 20:58 Robin Gray 64 F 15076 Rochester NH 42 1:06:09 1:05:06 21:00 Kelli Kelley 53 F 15321 Ttingham NH 43 1:06:50 1:05:46 21:13 Terri Wooldridge 42 F 15356 Rochester NH 44 1:08:19 1:06:16 21:23 Jeannine Santerre 51 F 15154 Wolfeboro NH 45 1:07:49 1:06:18 21:23 Gwendolyn Jones 45 F 15153 Hampton NH 46 1:07:46 1:07:07 21:39 Silvana Morrill 52 F 15358 Newton MA 47 1:07:49 1:07:09 21:40 Linda Roberts 65 F 15109 York Beach ME 48 1:08:45 1:07:10 21:40 Holly Maland 39 F 15021 Somersworth NH 49 1:08:11 1:07:10 21:40 Janine Flanders 41 F 15033 Dover NH 50 1:08:12 1:07:13 21:41 Corina Klein 46 F 15030 Rye NH 10/26/2023 1:29PM Page 2 Celebrate Pink 5k Run and Walk September 17, 2023 5 Kilometers Portsmouth, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: ================================================================================ ********************************************* BREAST CANCER SURVIVOR RESULTS ********************************************* Place Guntime Nettime Pace Name Age Sex Race# City/state ===== ======= ======= ===== ======================== === === ===== ======================= 51 1:08:50 1:07:37 21:49 Denise Burke 58 F 15130 Rth Hampton NH 52 1:08:43 1:07:58 21:56 Beth Jones 52 F 15068 Rochester NH 53 1:08:53 1:08:11 22:00 Mary Ann Michaud 75 F 15206 Amesbury MA 54 1:09:53 1:08:58 22:15 Wendy Cogswell 66 F 15028 Manchester NH 55 1:10:35 1:09:13 22:20 Pamela Perreault 61 F 15279 Salem NH 56 1:10:54 1:10:05 22:37 Carrie Cole 51 F 15487 Gray ME 57 1:10:54 1:10:09 22:38 Ramona Ramsdell 61 F 15481 South Berwick ME 58 1:19:34 1:18:53 25:27 Bunny Coletti 72 F 15204 Lee NH 59 1:22:28 1:21:40 26:21 Kerry Rinaldi 51 F 15122 Hudson NH 60 1:21:56 1:21:56 26:26 Marguerite Guilmette 65 F 15351 Danville NH 10/26/2023 1:29PM